Mortgage Expert Witnesses
What is a mortgage expert witness?
Mortgage expert witness candidates typically have areas of expertise in mortgage banking, real estate lending, foreclosure, loan servicing, financial services, and/or mortgage loan processing. Mortgage expert witnesses often have an MBA, are Certified Public Accountants (CPA), or are Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE).
What types of cases require a mortgage expert witness?
Representative matters that call for an expert in mortgages have involved legal issues pertaining to:
- California commercial real estate finance,
- residential mortgage fraud in New York,
- lender liability,
- leasing contracts,
- title insurance,
- loan underwriting,
- private money lending,
- residential real estate mortgage lending and servicing, and
- subprime lending.
What litigation support work might a mortgage expert witness be expected to perform?
Litigation support and expert witness services could include document review, research and authoring expert reports, providing expert opinions, deposition testimony, and/or expert witness testimony in the courtroom. In addition, clients may seek a real estate industry or banking industry expert for pre-litigation consulting services.
Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn a search for a mortgage expert witness around quickly, providing the right balance of expertise and testimony experience.
Related Disciplines
- Appraisal
- Bank Operations
- Banking
- Bankruptcy
- Commercial Finance
- Commercial Loans
- Commercial Real Estate
- Derivatives
- Housing
- Industrial Real Estate
- Land Acquisition
- Lender Liability
- Lending
- Loan Fraud
- Loan Underwriting
- Loans
- Mortgage Backed Securities
- Real Estate
- SEC Standards
- Securities
- Underwriting
Mortgage Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Mortgage experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Mortgage landscape.
Expert Witness #209971
This expert has many years of experience in the mortgage business and credit field and a complete understanding of credit scoring, credit reporting, dispute verification, mortgage underwriting, mortgage origination, mortgage pricing including yield spread premium. This expert's past mortgage experience includes sub-prime, Atl A, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA and VA. This expert has reviewed over 15,000 tri merged credit reports with mortgage applicants and has a complete understanding of how reporting errors can affect the consumer's ability to borrow. This expert is fully qualified to testify and has testimony experience with:
- Credit Scoring- The FICO component of credit scoring- The credit dispute process- The mortgage underwriting process and qualifications- The damages that credit errors have- FCRA, FACTA, FDCPA and Identity Theft
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #259991
This expert leads a national consulting practice. This expert specializes in a wide array of real estate and mortgage specialties, including bank fraud, mortgage origination, underwriting, and sub-prime/stated income fraud analysis. This expert provides litigation consulting and expert witness services, as well as financial research and damage calculations.
This expert’s firm has been retained in over 500 civil and criminal cases, and worked with clients as varied as banks, insurance companies, state government agencies and escrow companies. Two cases concerned FHA brokerage operations. Some of the services this expert provides include:
Litigation Consulting in Civil & Criminal Cases
Mortgage Document Review and Analysis
Evaluation of Bank Underwriting Practices
Evaluation of FHA/VA Underwriting Practices
Lenders' Standards of Care & Due Diligence
Predatory Lending Abuses
Mortgage Broker Malpractice
Real Estate Broker Standards and Practices
Title Issues (title chain, zoning) and Interpretation
Escrow and Title Procedures & Closing Practices
Real Estate-Related Economic Damages
Short Sale Fraud & Wrongful Foreclosure Actions
Lenders' Misconduct in Processing Loan Modifications
Dual-tracking: Loan Modification Concurrent with Foreclosure
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #251880
This expert is a nationwide provider of mortgage consulting and expert witness services. This expert is committed to delivering superior service and products in the most cost effective, accurate and timely manner. This expert has many years of experience and possesses in-depth knowledge in all areas of operations of the mortgage industry. This expert has served as an expert witness in approximately thirty (30) cases, representing both plaintiffs and defendants in different capacities. This expert has been deposed six times and testified at trial once. Cases have included:
- Secondary marketing (forward commitment default)- Servicing: improper allocation of payments, force placed insurance; improper foreclosure- Mortgage Lender - predatory lending; improper TIL, GFE disclosures; misrepresentation- Appraisal-fraud and Underwriter misrepresentation
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #261803
This expert became an expert witness many years ago testifying in both State and Federal courts on mortgage fraud, the loan process, the role and duties of borrower, loan originator, processor, appraiser, underwriter, document drawer, funder, escrow officer, title officer and county recorder. As a fraud expert this expert has presented before the FBI, DA, DRE and insurance investigators at the white-collar crime fraud prevention task force. This expert is a licensed DRE Broker and has a NMLS designation. This expert has been in the mortgage and lending business for many years and has worked in both the corporate and personal arenas.
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #251896
This expert began a career as an internal auditor with a National Bank. This expert helped community financial institutions as internal auditor, controller and chief financial officer. As a consultant this expert has assisted community financial institutions with investment management, asset liability management, investment banking, compliance issues, internal audit, deposit and loan operations, company policies and general accepted accounting principles. This expert has assisted in a capital raise for de-novo financial institutions. This expert has spent many years in the financial institution, and mortgage industries. This expert understands, first hand, the impact of changes that have occurred in these industries and most importantly, how these changes impact customers; especially business owners' ability to obtain capital and loans that they need to operate and grow their companies. That's why a large part of this expert's practice is devoted to helping consult with community financial institutions, including non-bank, as these changes affect them.
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #265442
This expert has been a commercial lender and involved in tax matters in many hundreds of millions of dollars of commercial properties (equity and financing included). This expert is very familiar with SEC filings, residential and commercial real estate. This expert understands and has experience with defeasance clauses and provisions. This expert actively serves as a testifying litigation expert witness in residential and commercial real estate, financing, securitization and mortgage foreclosure fraud. This expert has worked on over 1,000 cases, testifying in hundreds of cases nationwide. This expert is a U.S. Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Certified Acceptance Agent. This expert is BAR accredited to instruct attorneys in Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and nationwide reciprocal BARs on the subjects of residential and commercial real estate, financing, securitization and mortgage foreclosure fraud.
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #239653
This expert is a noted Real Estate authority. This expert regularly provides seminars and lectures. This expert is also an attorney and Licensed Insurance Broker. This expert has a substantial background in real estate brokerage, FHA mortgages, and mortgage alternatives.
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #266507
This expert is an expert in residential and commercial mortgage underwriting and finance. This expert has underwritten financing for 800+ homes to be marketed to VA loan eligible veterans, and for a bank this expert structured and underwrote $150 million in commercial debt financing for acquisition and development projects. This expert also structured, underwrote and closed $25+ million in conventional, government-insured and jumbo residential loans. This expert has worked as expert witness providing expertise in real investment valuation, loan financing, and market and financial analysis in a Federal housing discrimination lawsuit. This expert holds an MBA and Master in Architecture.
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #247315
This expert has many years' experience with financial institutions, and specifically with the lending, underwriting, and refinancing of real estate transactions. This expert has been designated as an expert witness in over eighty matters and has extensive experience in drafting expert reports for both state and federal litigation matters. This expert's skill as an expert witness brings to bear experience as a Bank President, the CEO of a mortgage brokerage, and Vice President and Chief Lending Officer at more than one lending institution. This expert understands the complexities of financing and refinancing and has had direct responsibility for lending and its ancillary evaluation tasks.
Start Mortgage Expert SearchExpert Witness #260136
This expert is a HUD certified counselor. This expert has undergone specific FHA training on underwriting and current FHA guidelines and rules. This expert has access to the most current FHA manuals. This expert also has access to FHA documentation to prove if an application was submitted to FHA in a timely manner, and the official reasons for the FHA application decline, if there was one. This expert also has access to FHA licensure information and show documentation that there is no such thing as a "straw broker" for a licensed MLO to work through. This expert has significant expert witness experience and attorney references.
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