Foreclosure Expert Witnesses

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Foreclosure Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Foreclosure experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Foreclosure landscape.
Expert Witness #259991
This expert leads a national consulting practice. This expert specializes in a wide array of real estate and mortgage specialties, including bank fraud, mortgage origination, underwriting, and sub-prime/stated income fraud analysis. This expert provides litigation consulting and expert witness services, as well as financial research and damage calculations.
This expert’s firm has been retained in over 500 civil and criminal cases, and worked with clients as varied as banks, insurance companies, state government agencies and escrow companies. Two cases concerned FHA brokerage operations. Some of the services this expert provides include:
Litigation Consulting in Civil & Criminal Cases
Mortgage Document Review and Analysis
Evaluation of Bank Underwriting Practices
Evaluation of FHA/VA Underwriting Practices
Lenders' Standards of Care & Due Diligence
Predatory Lending Abuses
Mortgage Broker Malpractice
Real Estate Broker Standards and Practices
Title Issues (title chain, zoning) and Interpretation
Escrow and Title Procedures & Closing Practices
Real Estate-Related Economic Damages
Short Sale Fraud & Wrongful Foreclosure Actions
Lenders' Misconduct in Processing Loan Modifications
Dual-tracking: Loan Modification Concurrent with Foreclosure
Start Foreclosure Expert SearchExpert Witness #251880
This expert is a nationwide provider of mortgage consulting and expert witness services. This expert is committed to delivering superior service and products in the most cost effective, accurate and timely manner. This expert has many years of experience and possesses in-depth knowledge in all areas of operations of the mortgage industry. This expert has served as an expert witness in approximately thirty (30) cases, representing both plaintiffs and defendants in different capacities. This expert has been deposed six times and testified at trial once. Cases have included:
- Secondary marketing (forward commitment default)- Servicing: improper allocation of payments, force placed insurance; improper foreclosure- Mortgage Lender - predatory lending; improper TIL, GFE disclosures; misrepresentation- Appraisal-fraud and Underwriter misrepresentation
Start Foreclosure Expert SearchExpert Witness #243652
Since being admitted to the bar, this expert’s practice has focused on secured real estate transactions. This expert is an experienced business litigator, representing clients involved in real estate and complex business disputes. This expert has particular expertise in the areas of mortgages, deeds of trust, foreclosure and antideficiency issues, as well as guarantees and U.C.C. personal property-secured transactions. This expert has also taught at a law school and has been retained as an expert consultant and witness in a variety of transactional and state and federal court matters. Expert work has covered such topics as title insurance, escrows, trust deeds and foreclosures, real estate sales transactions, commercial and real estate lending, commercial leasing, guaranties, attorney and broker standards of care and conduct, title searching and chain-of-title issues, priorities, real estate development, personal property-secured transactions, and usury in the real estate context. This expert has co-authored and edited collections of cases and materials on real estate sales, leasing and secured transactions. This expert is also the co-author of or contributor to various books, and articles. This expert earned a J.D. This expert also received a B.S. degree (Emphasis in Accounting and Finance), as well as an L.L.M. Tax degree.
Start Foreclosure Expert SearchExpert Witness #265442
This expert has been a commercial lender and involved in tax matters in many hundreds of millions of dollars of commercial properties (equity and financing included). This expert is very familiar with SEC filings, residential and commercial real estate. This expert understands and has experience with defeasance clauses and provisions. This expert actively serves as a testifying litigation expert witness in residential and commercial real estate, financing, securitization and mortgage foreclosure fraud. This expert has worked on over 1,000 cases, testifying in hundreds of cases nationwide. This expert is a U.S. Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Certified Acceptance Agent. This expert is BAR accredited to instruct attorneys in Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and nationwide reciprocal BARs on the subjects of residential and commercial real estate, financing, securitization and mortgage foreclosure fraud.
Start Foreclosure Expert SearchExpert Witness #266541
This expert has many years of banking and lending experience, specializing in credit risk. This expert completed a 4.5MM residential real estate case that required forensic evaluation of underwriting, appraisal process, collections, loan modification applications/decisions and compliance with government programs. The discovery in this case exceeded 60,000 pages and thousands of documents. This expert has completed a report and deposition of a $50MM fraud case requiring the evaluation of a multi-year relationship of underwriting, closing procedures, ongoing administration, collateral administration, financial information and analysis.
During and after the real estate crash in 2006-10, this expert was part of a specialized residential real estate team that evaluated thousands of defaulted mortgages coast to coast. This involved forensic evaluation of fraudulent activity in mortgage lending, compliance with government modification programs, foreclosure processes, appraisal processes, collections, underwriting and documentation. This expert led a forensic evaluation of a portfolio of fraudulently underwritten home mortgages perpetrated by a rogue staff of a bank branch and documented a package for the FBI/DOJ for prosecution. This expert has written expert witness reports and has been deposed.
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