Engineering Expert Witnesses

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What is an engineering expert witness?
Engineering expert witness candidates are typically licensed professional engineers with areas of expertise covering mechanical engineering, civil engineering, metallurgical engineering, electrical engineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, biomechanics, automotive engineering, and/or forensic engineering. Engineering expert witnesses have advanced degrees (PE, PhD, MD) and years of experience in their specialty field.
What types of cases require an engineering expert witness?
An engineering expert could provide expertise in intellectual property matters, including patent infringement or a trade secret dispute. It could be an Inter Partes Review (IPR) in the PTAB (where the only expert testimony is through a deposition), or a patent case or proceeding in the International Trade Commission (ITC). An engineer might provide expert opinion in a matter such as a product liability case, accident investigation, or provide testimony in a personal injury case.
Engineering expert witness case examples
Engineering matters encompass a vast range of disciplines. Representative matters where Cahn Litigation Services has searched for experts include:
- consumer product intellectual property dispute,
- biomechanics products liability investigation,
- semiconductor reverse engineering,
- medical products liability on behalf of insurance companies,
- Connecticut engineering firm contract dispute arbitration,
- forensic engineering for patent infringement allegations,
- a civil engineer to opine on a construction defect for real estate development,
- structural engineering software analysis,
- failure analysis of automotive components,
- forklift personal injury case in New Jersey, and
- mechanical failure of industrial HVAC systems located in Florida.
The firm has an earned reputation for providing professional engineering candidates with the right balance of technical expertise and testimony for the job at hand.
What litigation support work might an engineering expert witness be expected to perform?
Litigation support could include expert witness services such as research and authoring expert reports, failure analyses, design defect analyses, accident reconstruction, forensic engineering, and expert witness testimony at deposition and in the courtroom. In addition, law firms may request an expert for pre-litigation consulting services.
Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn a search for an engineering expert witness around quickly, providing the right balance of expertise and testimony experience.
Related Disciplines
- Aerospace Engineering
- Architectural Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Biomechanical Engineering
- Building Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Coastal Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Corrosion Engineering
- Design Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Forensic Engineering
- Gas Engineering
- Hardware Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Ocean Engineering
- Offshore Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Traffic Engineering
Engineering Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Engineering experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Engineering landscape.
Expert Witness #256094
This expert received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Metallurgical Engineering. This expert is a Professor Emeritus, Department of Materials Science and Engineering. This expert is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and Fellow of five professional societies in materials engineering, mechanical engineering, and automotive engineering: TMS, ASM International, ASME, SAE, and AIME. This expert was a Staff Research Scientist where this expert specialized in sheet metal forming, including dies and tools, sheet metal properties, measurement of mechanical properties, at metal plasticity. This expert continued work in those areas and added in finite element modeling of metal forming operations, steel and aluminum properties and grades, springback, friction and wear, and fundamental properties related to those applied phenomena. This expert's research work and publications are approximately half in metallurgy/materials and half in mechanical engineering. This expert has taught courses, both graduate and undergraduate, on materials, material properties, mechanical testing, metal plasticity, and other related topics. This expert's group performs a variety of research related to large-strain deformation, dislocation mechanisms, forming, finite element modeling and new experimental methods. This expert is the author of more than 300 technical articles, 2 proceedings volumes, 2 combined proceedings and authored books, and 2 text books in these areas. This expert has presented over 100 international and invited papers, and has advised 24 masters theses and 29 doctoral dissertations. This expert serves as a consultant to industry with regard to mechanical and materials engineering, particularly regarding die forming, sheet materials, and their automotive applications.
This expert has extensive expert witness experience including report writing, over a dozen depositions and four occasions of courtroom testimony. This expert has specialized consulting in intellectual property litigation, but not exclusively. This expert's work is generally in metallurgical and/or mechanical engineering, including sheet metal forming, metal processing, welding equipment design, and automotive component design and manufacturing.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #258116
This expert brings to the table many years of experience as the principle investigator of a highly successful forensic consultancy specializing in the fields of Human Factors, Safety Engineering, Industrial Engineering. This expert holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering (Mechanical), a Master's Degree in Safety, and a PhD in Industrial Engineering. This expert also serves as adjunct associate professor in a Systems and Industrial Engineering Department in a College of Engineering.
Throughout the years, this expert has been retained to investigate systems for probable potential incident causes due to oversights or mistakes due to design, manufacture, construction and/or maintenance of a product or premise. Using forensic methods coupled with the principles and practices for human factors/ergonomics, systems engineering, industrial engineering, and safety engineering to analyze incidents, these investigations are intended to result in recommendations for modifications of the existing system to reduce the probability of future occurrences. This expert's investigations generally include looking at human performance characteristics and the interaction with the other system components: other humans, the technology, the environment, and the interfaces that are intended to facilitate the interactions. The various human performance characteristics can include 1) the physical (anthropometry, kinematics, strength, joint range of motion), 2) physiological (the sensory systems, performance capacity), 3) psychological (decision making, risk identification, assessment, and aversion, perception, expectations, information processing, communications), and 4) biomechanics (injury causation, forces applied to the body, forces applied by the body).
This expert has served as an expert witness in hundreds of litigated matters. This expert's unique educational and experiential background, combined with meticulous attention to detail provide clients with exceptionally high-quality reports, qualified expert testimony, and effective technical case management.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #239669
This expert is a highly educated mechanical/textile engineer with experience in industry and academia. This expert holds a Bachelor of Textile Engineering, a Master of Science in Textile Technology, and a Doctor of Science in the field of mechanical engineering. This expert has been a faculty member of a School of Textile Engineering, a senior engineering researcher, Dean of Engineering and Textiles, Executive Dean for Research and was Dean for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). This expert currently is Professor of Engineering and Director for Undergraduate Affairs in a College of Engineering.
This expert was a Principal Investigator for a military Laboratory for Engineered Human Protection where this expert led a research team in the development of a new class of chemical protective garments for soldiers. This expert testified to the US Senate Subcommittee of Consumer Protection, Product safety and Insurance on the subject of apparel product safety. This expert established an Institute for Textile and Apparel Product Safety, a Biomedical Textile Structures Laboratory, and a Composites Institute for Education and Research.
- As textile researcher this expert conducted research on structures made from aramid fibers.- This expert currently serves as Senior Associate Dean of Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering and has taught courses in engineering design.- This expert has 13 US patents dealing with a wide range of textile structures and manufacturing.- This expert is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a Fellow of the Textile Institute.- This expert has many years of experience serving as an expert witness in a wide range of litigation involving textiles, including on bullet proof ballistic vests.This expert has extensive expert witness experience in all phases of patent litigation, including IPR, and is in very high demand.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #261593
This expert is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Computer Science, & Technology Entrepreneurship, Faculty Entrepreneurial Fellow, Excellence Faculty Fellow, and the director of a Real-time and Automated Monitoring and Control lab. This expert received a PhD degree in Civil Engineering and MS degree in Computer Science, MASc in Civil Engineering, and MS and BS in Civil Engineering.
This expert has worked with many national and international construction companies. This expert has several patents and is currently involved with start-up companies which were founded based on the outcomes of this expert's ongoing research projects.
This expert is CTO and founder of a construction software-as-a-service company that offers a visual command center for managing construction sites. This expert has many years of work experience in construction, virtual design and construction (VDC) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) and also the development of innovative software solutions related to BIM and VDC. This expert has more than 16 patents related to Reality Modeling in combination to BIM solutions.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #264284
This expert has developed and marketed multiple types of automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), which inherently includes dispensation, gripping, reaching, multiple types of actuation, stacking, process flow, interfaces, etc. This is also part of advanced degree work (integrated manufacturing systems, robotics, etc.), and courses taught.
This expert has studied, taught, designed, patented, produced, marketed, litigated and supported multiple types of robotic systems, including multiple automated storage and retrieval systems. This expert has worn many hats in so doing, including, but not limited to, technical development, business development and corporate development. This expert’s education and practical background include multiple engineering disciplines, such as civil/construction engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial/systems engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, software engineering, human factors, controls, dynamics, statics, etc.
This expert has supported 32 IP litigation cases (ITC, District, Federal, mediation, etc.), including 17 depositions, and 3 testimonies at trial. Most cases focused on (in)validity and (non)infringement. Most depositions and trial testimony activities were as expert witness; 2 were as a fact witness. This expert is comfortable in depo and on the stand. This expert is versatile in that this expert can understand the relevant legal frameworks, works well with litigators, has a blemish-free reputation, and can dive deeply into the technology, including heavy mathematical and algorithmic concepts.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #210424
This expert is currently Vice President for Research and Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at a prestigious university, and also holds joint appointments in the departments of Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Biology. This expert's skills are in enzyme technology, including preparation and use of enzymes in industrial and biomedical applications specific to generating enzymes for various basic and applied studies. Where enzymes are not commercially available, this expert clones, expresses, and purifies relevant enzymes using a number of different expression hosts (e.g., E. coli, bacillus, mammalian cells, etc.). This expert's research group includes chemical engineers, bioengineers, materials scientists, biologists, chemists and microbiologists - all focused on gaining a quantitative understanding of biological principles and applying them to advanced bioengineering, nanobiotechnology, drug discovery, and biomanufacturing. This expert has received numerous awards from the American Chemical Society, presently serves on Scientific Advisory Boards for several biotechnology companies and venture capital firms, and has cofounded a number of companies. This expert has a B.A. degree in Biochemistry and Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering, has published over 330 papers, and is a named inventor on nearly 40 patents and patent applications.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #218691
This expert is a Professor, having a joint appointment in the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Management Science & Engineering. This expert heads a Network Architecture and Performance Engineering research group, conducting research in wireless network architectures, the Internet infrastructure, packet switching, network management and information service engineering. This expert's current technology research interests include high-performance networking, autonomic computing, and service engineering. This expert's methodological interests are in network control, online task scheduling, queueing systems and stochastic processing networks.
This expert has written nearly three hundred papers and journal articles on media streaming over wireless links and mobile.
This expert has graduated over 20 Ph.D. students, who are now at leadership positions in academia and the information technology industry or have become successful entrepreneurs.
This expert is on the Editorial Boards of several research journals and serves on various international technical committees and review panels for networking research and information technologies. This expert has been serving on the boards of various start-up companies, consults on high technology development and management matters, and has served as lead expert witness in high-profile patent litigation cases in networking and computing.
An experienced expert witness in litigation, this expert has participated as the lead witness in high-profile patent litigation cases involving networking and computing over twenty-five times. This expert has been deposed over ten times, testified in court and written numerous expert reports for both plaintiff and defendant.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #252113
This expert was Executive Vice-President-Engineering for a diesel engine manufacturer and currently serves as a consultant. This expert has a bachelors in mechanical engineering and completed a bachelors/masters program in mechanical engineering. After assignments in Product Engineering, Research & Advanced Development, and Application Engineering, this expert became Director, Product Engineering, and eventually General Director. This expert is a SAE fellow and an ASME Fellow. This expert has been involved with the Engine Manufacturers Association, the U.S. Federal Fleet Conversion Task Force, the U.S. Alternative-Fuels Council, and the U.S. EPA Mobile Source.
This expert has been honored by the National Academy of Science (NAS) and received a patent for a diesel electric hybrid engine/vehicle. This expert received an award for contribution to the diesel engine industry. This expert is a recognized authority and has deep experience as an expert witness.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #256408
This expert holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. This expert's field of specialty is Engineering Design, and this expert has worked on various types of equipment from pipes and valves to propulsion equipment to automotive power systems and nuclear power plants. This expert has served as an independent engineering consultant for many years.
Start Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #255090
This expert simultaneously serves as a dredging consultant for a premier Marine Engineering consultancy firm, and as President a dredging firm with projects on ship and dredging equipment and operations. This expert is the graduate of a United States Academy in Marine Engineering. This expert is well-published, and affiliated with the major industry associations.
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