Design Defect Expert Witnesses
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Design defect expert witness candidates are typically a licensed professional engineer with extensive experience and expertise in mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, civil engineering, and/or electrical engineering – depending on the specific product or technology involved in the case. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, a law firm may request an expert with prior expert testimony experience.
Design defect engineers are sought after for matters including construction defect issues, contract disputes over a defective product delivery, product defect case, consumer product liability case, personal injury, warranty disputes, and accident reconstruction activities. Expert witness services by a design defect expert could include product testing, failure analysis, forensic engineering, an expert report, expert opinion, deposition testimony, and courtroom testimony. In addition, attorney clients may seek a qualified expert for pre-litigation consultant work.
Cahn Litigation Services has been approached by numerous clients to locate expert witnesses, on behalf of either the plaintiff or defendant, that can support design defect matters. When a product is thought to have a design defect or design flaw resulting in litigation, top law firms call on Cahn Litigation Services to source the right expert witness for the job. The firm has an earned reputation of providing expert candidates with the perfect combination of technical expertise and testimony experience.
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Design Defect Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Design Defect experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Design Defect landscape.
Expert Witness #251086
This expert is President, CEO and Principal Engineer for a highly sought-after engineering consultancy. A Graduate Mechanical Engineer with many years of professional, domestic and international engineering system design & material defect analysis experience, this expert has been called upon to examine and investigate numerous design, fabrication and operational issues related to various processes being performed, items being fabricated and parts being produced in volumes and at rapid rates. These have included the designing and overseeing of the installation of 83 brand new production lines of machinery and equipment for the production of diapers and various feminine hygiene products. Additionally, this expert has investigated the assembly line and product defect failures associated with juice packet spout application failures which caused excessive product leakage and large storage issues. Such design and product assembly processes relied heavily on photoelectric cells, high speed counters, adjustable guideways and multiple mechanical assemblies that directed parts into specific positions in order to be mated up with other components all at excessively high speeds. These efforts ranged from the insert of the raw materials to the folded or packaged finished product ready for shipment. Over the course of this expert's years of design, fabrication, construction and project management work combined with years of mechanical investigation and testing experience, this expert has centered work around mechanical system and material component analyses. Retained by both national and international insurance organizations, plaintiff and defense law firms and private industry to perform mechanical equipment assessments and causation evaluations, this expert has extensive prior litigation history including deposition and courtroom testimony.
Start Design Defect Expert SearchExpert Witness #260531
This expert is an AIA certified Architect with many years of architectural design and construction administration experience with all building types, including educational, medical, R&D, corporate, commercial, custom residential, multi-family housing, military and industrial projects. Emphasizing use of durable, low maintenance materials including stainless, copper, bronze, zinc, cement-fiber, plastics, composites, specialty sealants & industrial paints. This expert heads a building reconstruction and forensic investigation consultancy that provides visual inspection, intrusive testing, defect analysis, repair recommendations and forensic expert services for both plaintiff and defense parties. This expert brings to the table specialized knowledge of construction materials, industry standards, code compliance, waterproofing, vapor transmission, exterior finishes, corrosion, condensation, ventilation, mold, wood rot, suspended ceilings, interior partitions, and structural issues. This expert's experience includes thousands of visual inspections and hundreds of intrusive tests for construction defect cases, including institutional, commercial and retail structures, housing developments and private homes. This expert also provides reconstruction design, details and specifications focused on solving complex construction problems and developing effective repairs for commercial and institutional buildings.
This expert has served as a third-party neutral construction expert for mediators, arbitrators and courts, and retained jointly by both plaintiff and defense parties. Specializing in complex construction disputes where resolution can be facilitated through clarification of technical issues and extensive case documents. Experience includes complex, multi-party commercial and institutional cases.
Start Design Defect Expert SearchExpert Witness #253514
This expert brings to the table many years of industry experience as a Mechanical Engineer skilled in product design, research, and manufacturing, providing valuable insight into design refinement, and product liability/defect claims. This expert has extensive prior litigation experience that includes consumer product forensic engineering, written reports and a significant amount of deposition/courtroom testimony, including several matters on consumer icemakers. During this expert's years of Forensic Engineering, this expert has investigated over a hundred losses many of which have involved icemakers and numerous refrigerator component failures. This expert has represented both plaintiffs and defendants, investigating losses and performing failure analysis. This expert is familiar with refrigerator/freezers with multiple compartment temperature control. This expert has been awarded 3 US Patents.
Start Design Defect Expert SearchExpert Witness #256744
This expert received a Ph.D. and is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. This expert's research interests include investigations of fundamental mechanics of manufacturing processes and utilizing those insights for designing effective and efficient processes with unique capabilities.
This expert's research has focused on various aspects of Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) process used in semiconductor manufacturing, specializing in prediction of instability as well as defect tolerance & mitigation. This expert is particularly interested in Data Driven Prognosis and application of Multi-scale and Multi-Physics analysis techniques applied to various life prediction, design & control problems. This expert has conceptualized, designed and fabricated a new generation Chemical Mechanical Paired Grinding (CMPG) machine.
This expert has served as Project Director and Principal Investigator on more than 25 research and educational projects funded by the U.S. Govt. and private industries. This expert is the author of a book, and has published over 100 technical articles in international archival journals, with several others in conference proceedings. This expert holds eight U.S. patents, currently serves as Associate Editor/Editorial Board of three international journals, and regularly serves as a reviewer for various international journals and funding agencies. This expert has also served as a consultant to several US and International companies in areas of product and process designs.
This expert has prior litigation experience; has written expert reports, been deposed and testified in court.
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