Structural Engineering Expert Witnesses

Structural Engineering

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What is a structural engineering expert witness?

Structural engineering expert witness candidates are typically professional engineers with extensive experience in construction managementmechanical engineeringcivil engineeringgeotechnical engineering, building codes, forensic engineering, and/or structural design. The chosen expert witness may be a member of an industry organization such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA), and/or the International Structural Engineering and Construction Society (ISEC).

What types of cases require a structural engineering expert witness?

Projects that require the expertise of a structural or civil engineer for litigation support include building reconstruction, forensic structural engineering, structural failure, and construction defect cases. Equipped with specialized knowledge of construction materials, industry standards, code compliance, structural engineers are sought after for construction ethics issues, accident reconstruction, contract disputes, product liability cases, personal injury, warranty disputes, and related regulatory issues. In addition, a law firm may request a structural or forensic engineer for pre-litigation consulting service.

Structural engineering, a sub-discipline of civil engineering, is the engineering design and structural analysis of man-made structures. Structural engineers need to understand and calculate the stability, strength and rigidity of structures. A structural engineer typically works together with architects to design and construct buildings and other structures. Structure specialization areas include buildings, bridges, pipelines, industrial, tunnels, vehicles, ships, aircraft, and spacecraft.

Structural engineering expert witness case examples

Representative matters that Cahn Litigation has searched for expert witnesses for include:

What litigation support work might a structural engineering expert witness be expected to perform?

Litigation support by a structural engineering expert witness could include failure analyses, building inspections and condition assessments, forensic engineering, accident reconstruction, research and authoring expert reports, and courtroom testimony. In addition, a law firm may utilize a structural engineer for pre-litigation engineering services. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, the lead attorney may request a structural engineer expert witness or construction expert with prior expert witness testimony experience.

Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn a search for a structural engineering expert witness around quickly, providing the right balance of expertise and testimony experience.

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Structural Engineering Expert Witness - Representative Bios

Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.

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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Structural Engineering experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Structural Engineering landscape.