Automotive Engineering Expert Witnesses
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Automotive engineering expert witness candidates typically have extensive experience and knowledge in the automotive industry, including automotive parts, automotive repair, automotive engineering, crash tests, mechanical engineering, automotive electronics, biomechanics, and/or vehicle manufacturing. An expert witness needs to not only have subject matter expertise, but must also possess the ability to provide expert testimony in such a manner that a jury and judge can understand the evidence.
The automotive industry is one of the world’s largest industries by revenue, and the US is a leader in automotive manufacturing, second only to China. Vehicle safety, automotive design, performance and cost are some of the major elements a motor vehicle manufacturer faces.
To support either a plaintiff or defendant, Cahn Litigation Services is frequently called upon by law firms to locate an expert witness that can support issues involving automotive engineering. An automotive engineering expert witness could provide expertise in intellectual property matters — a patent litigation in federal court or a trade secret dispute. It could be a patent infringement case in the District Court, or a patent case or proceeding in the International Trade Commission (ITC). An automotive engineer might provide expert opinion in a matter like a product liability case, product development, or provide testimony in a personal injury case as a result of an automobile accident. Example projects where Cahn Litigation Services has searched for experts include:
- airbag patent infringement,
- Pennsylvania vehicle crash reconstruction,
- seatbelt design and safety systems,
- automotive design engineering,
- automotive parts failure causation,
- diesel fuel nozzles,
- commercial vehicle stability, and
- automotive trade dress, among many others.
Litigation support services could include an expert report, failure analysis, vehicle accident reconstruction and expert witness testimony. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, a law firm may request an automotive expert witness with prior experience as a testifying expert. In addition, clients may seek a qualified expert for pre-litigation work.
Cahn Litigation Services has completed numerous searches for an expert witness in the automotive area, providing candidates for each case to the specifications provided by the attorney in charge. Whether it’s for a patent case or for pre-litigation forensic engineering work, Cahn Litigation Services has the many years experience required to turn the search for an expert around quickly. We provide the right balance of expertise and testimony to zero in on the perfect expert for the job at hand.
Related Disciplines
- Automotive Design
- Automotive Manufacturing
- Commercial Vehicle
- Crash Data Retrieval
- Diesel
- Doors
- Electric Vehicles
- Emissions
- Engine Contamination
- Engine Failure
- Ergonomics
- Four Wheel Drive
- Fuel Cell
- Fuel System
- Passenger Safety
- Recreational Vehicle
- Self Driving Cars
- Tractors
- Transmission
- Vehicle Design
- Vehicle Dynamics
Automotive Engineering Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Automotive Engineering experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Automotive Engineering landscape.
Expert Witness #223826
This expert has made a career of consulting and providing expert witness services to the automotive industry. This expert's focus is on automotive systems and components as well as the dynamics of gears and power trains. This expert received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and is a Professional Engineer. This expert has a training certificate in Mechanics of Heavy-Duty Trucks and Truck Combinations, among others. This expert is a frequent presenter at industry conferences and is well published in the automotive field.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #235054
This expert is an independent mechanical engineering consultant, expert witness and Professional Engineer. This expert has a Ph.D. in Mechanical engineering and an MS in Manufacturing Systems engineering, as it applies to the automotive industry. For many years this expert has served on the adjunct faculties of universities and a college. This expert is well-published in automotive and machining subject matter, and is a frequent presenter at symposia, professional development seminars, and at industry conferences. This expert has testified five times at trial and participated in over 30 depositions.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #245269
This expert has served as an independent consultant and expert witness in the Automotive engineering arena for many years. This expert's specific areas of focus are in Vehicle Powertrains, Vehicle Electronics, Throttle Controls, Shift Controls, and Braking Systems across primarily Passenger Vehicles, but also Heavy Duty Trucks, Off-Road Construction Vehicles, and Military Equipment. This expert's senior engineering positions allowed this expert to cross technology and product boundaries while performing field performance assessments, engine management system evaluations, and powertrain technical investigations. This expert is a member of the IEEE Standards Association and the Society of Automotive Engineers VEDI Standards Committee.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #256699
This expert has a Masters in Design and a PhD in engineering with course work that spanned product design, safety, industrial systems design, robotics, kinematics and mechanical engineering. This expert's expert witness experience includes intellectual property (patents, trade secrets and trade dress), product design, product liability and mechanical failure analysis, manufacturing system failure, safety analysis, and automotive and motorcycle system failures. This expert is a recognized artist, award winning producer, interior designer, author of a robotics text, journal and conference papers that include automation systems, alternative fuels and automotive engine design, a racing car engine researcher and designer, and the holder of six US patents that include alternative automotive fuels and furniture design. This expert is an Associate Professor in departments of industrial engineering and management systems and in a school of visual arts and design.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #259805
This expert holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Electrical Engineering, and serves as an electrical engineering professor as well as a director of a transportation electronics laboratory. This expert is also a Professional Engineer (P.E.), and leads a highly successful, internationally recognized consultancy specializing in forensic electrical and software engineering in automotive and transportation systems.
This expert held positions with major industrial companies, and served as a director of an alternative fuels laboratory at a research institute. This expert has published over 125 technical journal and conference papers and serves on the editorial review boards of four journals. This expert’s consulting firm focuses on electronic analysis and data extraction in support of automotive intellectual property expert witness services, lemon law investigation and documentation, and product evaluation for safety, performance or compliance with specifications.
This expert has extensive automotive electronics experience: academic research, hands on projects and IP/ IPR EE cases. This expert has faced the challenges of EM noise intrusion in the automotive environment and SOTA EM shielding and other methods to improve signal to noise ratio.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #260229
This expert is a professor at a highly ranked school in Mechanical Engineering, and this expert holds the distinction of being a "Professor of the Practice" there. This expert teaches, among other subjects, Vehicle Design, a capstone course. This expert is the named inventor (or co-inventor) of 13 automotive patents and has served as an expert witness in an automotive engineering matter.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #234102
This expert is a professor of Mechanical Engineering, with expertise in the area of product design, safety and failure analysis. This expert is a licensed professional engineer and has served as a reviewer for many technical journals and the National Science Foundation (NSF). This expert has published many technical articles, and has received several teaching and research awards. This expert is a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and a board member of an Association of Traffic Accident Investigators. As the director of an Innovation to Entrepreneurship program, this expert is leading the initiative to broaden and deepen the role of entrepreneurially minded learning.
In addition to vast automotive mechanical engineering expertise, this expert brings to the table extensive expert witness experience. This expert is well versed in claim and patent language, working well with attorneys to generate detailed declaration reports and having a practical sense of placing engineering knowledge in an easily decipherable explanation.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #237271
This expert has many years of experience in the automotive industry. This expert is a veteran of automotive component litigation, having testified at trial numerous times in high profile automotive component matters. This expert has extensive design, testing, and development engineering experience in the automotive industry and is thoroughly experienced in the design of linkages, brackets, sealing, and mounting designs. This expert has tested and worked on structures and systems for vehicles that include sunroofs, convertible roofs, closures, as well as testifying about compliance of these systems to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, including FMVSS 216 Roof Crush Resistance, FMVSS 214 Side Impact Protection, FMVSS 208 – Occupant Crash Protection, FMVSS 201 Upper Interior Head Protection. This expert has also served as an expert witness and corporate representative, where this expert analyzed defect claims, many of which involved mechanical and structural systems, and testified in depositions and trials throughout the United States.
Due to extensive experience in the automotive industry, this expert is intimately familiar with sealing issues. For the U.S. Army, this expert worked on numerous systems and their associated issues involving hatches, doors, see-through armor, gates, and the associated mechanisms linkages, reinforcements, as well as systems and components that employ hard or soft materials, as well as the associated accessibility, serviceability, durability and reliability of these systems and components.
This expert is thoroughly experienced in Design for Assembly as well as the quality and reliability issues associated with component and system design. This expert is a Licensed Professional Engineer with a BS in chemical engineering, and a BS and an MS in electrical engineering.
This expert has served extensively as an expert witness and has testified, authored reports, and analyzed patents and prior art in numerous automotive cases. This expert has extensive experience in infringement/non-infringement, and patent validity/invalidity, including 101, 102, 103, 112 and prior art arguments for automotive and transportation components and systems, thoroughly understands the issues involved in intellectual property and patent litigation and is a registered patent attorney with the USPTO. This expert has done analyses under literal infringement and the under the doctrine of equivalents, as well as direct infringement, contributory infringement, inducement of infringement, willful infringement, authored numerous reports and declarations and put together claim charts for infringement/non-infringement contentions, invalidity and validity arguments (including secondary considerations such has nexus/commercial success), claim construction hearings (in support of Markman briefs and hearings), and has authored numerous expert reports including ITC testimony documents, for IPR matters as an automotive/mechanical systems expert, for numerous intellectual property and patent cases, and has deposition and/or testified in Inter Partes Review proceedings before the PTAB, as well as various Federal District Courts. This expert also has extensive deposition and trial testimony experience, including testifying experience in IP and patent litigation cases. This expert has authored reports and declarations for numerous intellectual property and patent cases, and has testified in Inter Partes Review proceedings before the PTAB, as well as various Federal District Courts.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #258974
This expert is a full professor in a Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. This expert is a licensed engineer and has been actively involved in the design and evaluation of advanced power producing systems for many years. This expert is the director of an Automotive Research Center and the head of a graduate Automotive Engineering program.
This expert has been involved in advanced throttle control fuel injection/combustion systems and was funded by NASA in advanced gas turbine engine fuel injection and combustion systems. Since that time, this expert has also been involved in optimizing fuel, throttle and fuel injection and combustion systems for transportation automotive and trucking applications along with racing applications. This expert has hands on experience in dyno testing of complex throttle and fuel injection systems along with track testing and advanced computational modeling on supercomputing clusters.
This expert has chaired technical sessions for the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in exhaust and particulate emissions systems, direct injection spark and compression ignition engines, fuel injection and sprays, HCCI combustion, hybrid electric vehicle powertrains, high efficiency engine concepts, multidimensional engine modeling, on-board diagnostics, fuels and fuel additives, cold start characteristics, engine boosting systems, dual fuel combustion, spark assisted compression ignition combustion and heady duty lubricants.
Areas of interest are jet and rocket propulsion systems, advanced low pollutant emission, high efficiency combustions systems for advanced aircraft and automotive applications, alternative fuels and renewable energy systems.
This expert has been deposed and testified in court over 60 times as an expert witness involving the design and analysis of advanced Mechanical Engineering systems. Further, this expert has been involved with numerous cases an expert related to intellectual property and patent litigation, including cases with related to engine control and throttle systems.
Start Automotive Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #258975
This expert is a professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the head of a graduate automotive engineering program. This expert has been involved in advanced throttle control fuel injection/combustion systems for many years and was funded for multiple years in advanced gas turbine engine fuel injection and combustion systems. This expert has also been involved in optimizing fuel, throttle and fuel injection and combustion systems for racing and transportation applications. This expert has hands-on experience in dyno testing of complex throttle and fuel injection systems along with track testing and advanced computational modeling on supercomputing clusters. This expert supervises and advises graduate students who utilize custom fuel injected motorcycle engines to compete annually in an international competition. This expert is the recipient of numerous national awards, is well-published, presents at academic and industry conferences and has chaired over fifty technical sessions for the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in throttle and intake systems, direct injection spark and compression ignition engines, fuel injection and sprays, and other combustion fields of study. This expert has been deposed and testified in court over sixty times as an expert witness involving the design and analysis of advanced Mechanical Engineering systems. Further, this expert has been involved with numerous cases an expert related to intellectual property and patent litigation related to fuel injection systems, engine control and throttle systems.
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