Hardware Engineering Expert Witnesses

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Hardware Engineering Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Hardware Engineering experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Hardware Engineering landscape.
Expert Witness #211297
This expert has many years of industry and academic experience covering a broad swath of hardware and software engineering. While providing technical support for all IC products for customers this expert's chief focus was microprocessors and their attendant software development systems and test/integration tools (ICE, logic analyzers).
This expert has consulted over the past several years, specializing in computer chip/IC product engineering/reverse engineering and related intellectual property issues.
This expert has a unique perspective on the computer chip industry. As manager of applications engineering at an IC startup this expert developed datasheets, app notes and PowerPoint presentations for 10/100 Mbps Ethernet (10Base-T/100Base-TX) and Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-T) ICs. While a marketing manager this expert was responsible for all aspects of a startup business unit developing a communications IC product line, including contributing to the business plan and product definition. The market focus was SONET/SDH low-level devices (PMDs and PLLs).
This expert has started two businesses that have developed PC software products. This expert taught computer programming, architecture and logic design courses. This expert also instructed an Extension in the Microprocessor Hardware/Software Certificate program, designing the "Systems" course for that program.
Start Hardware Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #212686
This expert has many years of experience in software and hardware development for embedded systems, and has served as an Expert Witness. This expert has hands-on experience developing software on portable wireless communications devices, including the development of over 30 smartphone applications, generating over 50 million user installs. This expert has worked on numerous embedded systems projects which have included wireless communications, including game consoles, handheld gaming devices, first generation (J2ME/Brew) "feature" phones, present day smartphone devices and browser-based online games. As an expert in over 20 computer software languages, including assembly language [TMS1000, AMI S2000, 6502, 65816, 6800, Z80, 8080, etc], C, C++, Java, Javascript, Objective C, Lingo, Swift, and others, this expert has performed extensive source code analysis and reverse engineering from object code to source code. This expert has development experience with embedded systems utilizing ROM-based software. As an early pioneer in the handheld electronic toy and video game industries, this expert designed software on systems where the delivery mechanism was ROM-based cartridges. This expert also has strong knowledge of microprocessor and microcontroller architectures used in embedded systems, having designed the hardware and software of early microcontroller-based handheld electronic products. This expert designed, developed and coded one of the earliest tokenized interpretive languages for a commercially released software product. The architecture of the language was based on processor-independent, bytecode "object code," which was compiled on-the-fly during program design and interpreted in real-time by an assembly language-based virtual machine. The language was highly optimized, allowing for the development of real-time, graphic-intensive applications executing at 15 frames per second (on 8-bit hardware). This expert has been retained as an expert and accepted by the court in over 25 patent infringement cases, on both the plaintiff and defendant sides. This expert has written numerous reports on patent infringement and non-infringement, validity/invalidity and claim construction, been deposed over 25 times and has testified in court or at an arbitration hearing seven times. Outside of this expert's expertise in video games, this expert has worked on numerous other cases involving software development for general applications, including image processing, vector graphics, virtual reality, embedded control systems for location-based amusement machines, and a handheld language translator.
Start Hardware Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #249612
This expert is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and teaches graduate level courses on Foundations of Communications, 4G/5G Communications, Error Control Coding, and the Internet of Things (IoT). OFDM technology is utilized extensively. In addition to work with OFDM technologies at the academic level, this expert also has extensive OFDM-related experience in industry. This expert has communications industry expertise in the entirety of major telecommunications standards up to 5G, OSI and network layer communications. This expert spent many years with industry leader R&D groups as a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff covering 2G, 3G, 4G and WiFI OFDM platforms. All deploy Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). This expert also developed OFDM based 802.11a hardware platforms. This expert was a member of the 3GPP RAN4 standards body for HSPA and LTE.
This expert has expertise at the application, transport, network, MAC, and PHY layers for telecommunications and understands video broadcast standards from both the image processing and communication standpoint. This expert has significant expertise on the design of communication networks, software defined radio, software programs, hardware systems and the integration of wired and wireless services.
Additionally, this expert holds 10 US patents and has developed OFDM based communication link simulators in industry, in graduate courses, and for a litigation matter as part of a damage award assessment. This expert has prior litigation experience including deposition and court testimony.
Start Hardware Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #263714
This expert holds an MS in Engineering and serves as President and CTO for a highly sought-after consultancy. This expert specializes in Electronic Imaging Systems, Electronic & Wireless Transfer Systems, Hardware & Software Development, and Product Development & Enhancements.
This expert is very familiar with the systems used for the capture and transfer of video/images and their wireless transfer. This expert served in several technical and management roles for a public company including Research Scientist, Chief Engineer, and Program Manager all dealing with digital imaging and Advanced Digital Camera operations. As such, this expert was hands-on with efforts regarding:
- defining, and performing R&D projects focused on hybrid imaging systems- the design and programming of DSP-based image processing solutions requiring multiple DSPs- leading a team of engineers that developed a USB digital video camera. This video camera was capable of streaming video at one (lower) resolution, while also supporting the transfer of a second (higher) resolution image under the control of the host computer. This expert has several patents as a result of the development of this product. This expert later led a digital camera advanced development group that deployed numerous new product features including simultaneous (low res) video preview, compression and (hi res) capture to flash memory storage.Additionally, this expert has the hardware and software expertise to work with a legal team to devise and direct reverse engineering experiments and efforts directed to assessment of infringement. This expert is also familiar with the patent process, claims language and patents generally.
Start Hardware Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #121559
This expert holds a Ph.D. in electronics engineering and control systems and has a very strong background in embedded systems, both hardware and software, which is what the IoT is built upon. This expert has been working on and designing microcontroller based systems for many years. This expert has design experience in digital, analog and RF electronic hardware and understands the hardware aspects of IoT based system. This expert has also designed and developed the software to run many embedded systems, including systems that tied into the internet. This expert is working with the Air Force researching, designing and developing the control of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or drones). This project involves going from sensor inputs to control of the UAV and coordinating control over wireless networks between multiple UAVs and a ground station. Additionally, this expert is working on a control system for a wheelchair to make it possible for quadriplegics to drive and control the wheelchair through head movement controls. This project involves electronic hardware design of the system, and all the software design and development to go from sensor inputs to control of the chair. The system uses wireless network interfaces to get sensor data from the head to a computer control system and tie in remote computer monitoring. This expert has extensive litigation experience including multiple depositions and trial testimony.
Start Hardware Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #218672
This expert holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science and is a Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at a technology institute. The creator of a start-up which develops image and video processing software for wireless and IP networking, this expert has been active in the areas of voice and audio processing for many years. This expert is a Fellow of the IEEE, and has received awards for contributions to electrical engineering. This expert has reviewed and analyzed software and hardware designs through source code analysis for pre/post-litigation phases. This expert leads several large technology research programs in the areas of multimedia, networking, telecommunications and wireless technologies and has authored or edited several books. This expert is a frequent consultant to the industry. This expert has served as an expert witness and consultant in several leading intellectual property and patent litigation cases (both ITC 337 proceedings and Federal Circuit), and has been engaged as a litigation expert of graphics processing systems and components. This expert has testified at ten trials and was deposed over forty times.
Start Hardware Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #223021
This expert has designed ASICs, FPGAs, and PC boards for RISC-based parallel processor systems, vector supercomputers, laser printers, hardware emulators, network switches and routers, and various real-time systems. In addition to technical work, this expert provides technical consulting and serves as an expert witness for technical litigation providing experience in reverse engineering hardware and software, analyzing and interpreting patents and trade secrets, and testifying at depositions and trials.
This expert has written technical papers on hardware and software design methods, and has taught courses on Verilog, ASIC, and FPGA design at engineering conferences throughout the world. This expert holds 22 patent and is a Senior Member of the IEEE. This expert is also the president of a leading provider of software forensics tools for litigation. This expert is certified in the use of CodeSuite® and has a master's degree and two bachelor's degrees.
This expert worked on touch sensitive user interface technology in a high profile case. This expert is also well versed in power constraints generally. This expert has extensive litigation experience having been deposed at least a dozen times and testified at trial.
Start Hardware Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #226413
This expert holds an MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering. This expert is a Licensed Professional Electronics Engineer and Expert Witness practicing forensic and technical electrical engineering consulting. This expert’s technical engineering practice includes the design, verification, measurement and testing of electronic signal processing hardware circuits and systems, both integrated circuits and electrical modules, which are used for communication and electro-mechanical control. This expert’s forensic engineering practice includes forensic investigation, advising, reporting and testimony in matters regarding intellectual property, patents, failure analysis, product liability, product requirements and specifications.
For many years this expert worked with built-in self-test (BIST) for integrated circuits. Both digital (which is most common) and analog. BIST systems which generate and deliver test stimulus to one or more circuit nodes, capture resulting signals at one or more circuit nodes, process the captured signals to derive an “answer” which is compared to an expected answer, and finally take action depending on the results.
This expert has extensive prior litigation experience, including hostile trial cross-examination and deposition questioning.
Start Hardware Engineering Expert SearchExpert Witness #259867
This expert has many years of experience with control systems for electromechanical and mechatronic systems for a variety of applications, including robotics, industrial machines, and industrial processes. This expert’s experience encompasses embedded systems, microcontrollers, microprocessors, sensors, actuators, electronics, systems, algorithms, software, firmware, robotics, mechatronics, vision processing, artificial intelligence, and control philosophy. This expert’s Ph.D. thesis was related to advanced control algorithms for electromechanical systems. This expert’s Master’s thesis was for improving automated performance of remotely controlled mobile robots, and related work included mechanical, electrical, sensor, and computer hardware modifications along with advanced algorithm development. As laboratory manager for a Center for Automation and Intelligent Systems Mechatronics laboratory, this expert’s responsibilities included developing and maintaining hardware and algorithms for various industrial and research robots.
This expert is a named inventor on eight U.S. patents. With specific testimony on robotic systems, this expert has provided expertise for intellectual property matters that addressed claim construction, patent infringement, patent validity, and trade secrets in various venues including Inter Partes Reviews, U.S. court trials for patents and trade secrets, International Trade Commission, and Markman - Claim Construction. This expert holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, and a Ph.D. (electrical engineering). This expert also holds an MBA.
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