Macroeconomics Expert Witnesses

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What is a macroeconomics expert witness?
Macroeconomics expert witness candidates typically have experience in forensic accounting, economic damages, business valuation, financial services, and/or are a certified public accountant (CPA) or certified fraud examiner (CFE). The chosen expert could be a member of an industry organization such as the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), or the American Economic Association (AEA). An economics expert witness must not only have the appropriate substantive expertise, but should also possess the ability to explain complex financial issues and evidence to a judge and jury.
What types of cases require a macroeconomics expert witness?
Cahn Litigation Services is frequently called upon by leading law firm clients to locate expert witnesses for a wide range of financial litigation matters. The firm has performed numerous searches for economics experts for a wide range of matters including:
- labor market economic issues,
- commercial litigation,
- lost earnings,
- mergers and acquisitions,
- human resources malpractice,
- employment discrimination in New York,
- applied economics,
- wrongful termination,
- business interruption damages assessment,
- life care planning, and
- personal injury cases.
What litigation support work might a macroeconomics expert witness be expected to perform?
Litigation support by a macroeconomics expert witness could include an expert report, depositions, trial preparation, and expert testimony in the courtroom. A forensic economist can be engaged to support financial matters including personal and commercial litigation economic damage calculations, fraud, economic loss due to personal injury, antitrust disputes, and other business, property, and asset valuation. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, a law firm may require an economist or damages expert with prior expert testimony experience.
Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn an expert witness search around quickly. The firm has earned the reputation of presenting macroeconomic candidates for expert witness services that precisely match the requirements outlined by the legal team.
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Macroeconomics Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Macroeconomics experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Macroeconomics landscape.
Expert Witness #248514
This expert is a Professor of Law at an Ivy League School. This expert holds a BA and JD, as well as a PhD in Economics. Prior to entering teaching, this expert practiced law with an international law firm, an experience which continues to inform this expert's teaching and scholarly work. This expert's academic interests are in the areas of corporate and securities law, law and economics, and international securities regulation and comparative corporate law. This expert's articles have appeared in many legal publications, and this expert is also the author two books. This expert has taught at several universities, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the American Law Schools Association. This expert teaches International Securities Regulation, Securities Regulation, Corporate Finance, and Capital Markets Regulation.
Start Macroeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #249277
This expert holds a Ph.D. in Economics, and has provided economic litigation services in more than 400 cases. This expert's background includes academic, corporate, economic consulting, and government positions. This expert was Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration at a State University; Managing Director of an economic consulting firm; and Regional Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics. This expert leads an economic consulting and expert witness firm with staff expertise in economics, accounting, finance and statistics. This expert advises attorneys regarding damages determination and provides expert witness testimony using objective, fact-based, damages opinions for plaintiff attorneys or to rebut opposing expert's damages reports if asked to do so by defense counsel.
Specializing in litigation economics, this expert has provided economic analysis, valuation, and expert testimony, especially in complex litigation, regarding issues such as:
- Breach of Contract- Earnings Loss- Constructive Termination- Covenant of Good Faith- "Whistle-Blower"- Harassment, Hostile Work Environment- Displaced Worker Survey Data- Other Complex CasesFor over 25 years this expert has provided economic, accounting, and financial consulting for litigation, including numerous jury trial testimonies in complex cases.
Start Macroeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #250388
This expert has many years of experience in economic instruction, research and analysis, and litigation support. This expert has taught courses in economics, statistics, econometrics and finance at five colleges and universities, currently as at the School of Business and Economics at a well-known University. This expert has served as an economic expert in over 100 cases. As Senior Vice President of an economics consulting firm, this expert's practice focuses on economic analysis and expert testimony regarding intellectual property, competition, class certification, statistical analysis, and damage quantification. Examples of this expert's work include estimation of lost profits and reasonable royalty in patent infringement matters (including FRAND royalty rates); analysis of relevant markets and lost profits in antitrust cases; statistical and econometric analysis in labor and commercial disputes, and valuation of intellectual property. This expert has testified over 75 times in deposition, and more than 25 times in trial, the majority of that testimony in the area of patent damages or other areas of IP. This expert has extensive experience with reasonable royalty calculations, in many product areas including electronics, manufacturing, clothing, agriculture, and consumer Products. This expert has worked fairly evenly for both plaintiff and defendants. This expert holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Economics.
Start Macroeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #250880
This expert holds an MA and ABD in Economics and serves as Principal and Senior Economist for a highly successful consultancy. This expert has worked extensively on forensic economics cases involving employment law, valuation, personal injury, and wrongful death. This expert has participated in several cases in which this expert and colleagues have valued the compensation of various doctors, and in some cases, the progression of their careers through medical school, the residency program, etc. This expert is familiar with the compensation packages offered to doctors including those packages that provide incentive pay. This expert is also very familiar with the statistical data available regarding compensation for doctors (e.g., the Physicians' Compensation Survey, etc.). This expert spent several years teaching economics at multiple colleges. Teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, this expert was an award-winning educator, receiving Professor of the Year Award two years in a row. This expert's areas of expertise include money, banking and financial markets, corporate finance, and government and business. This expert has lectured on consumer safety, measuring the impact of positive and negative externalities, and evaluating market and government responses to these externalities. This expert is a member of the Eastern Economic Association and the American Monetary Institute. This expert has played and will continue to play a critical role in expanding the group's commercial damages business by integrating considerable knowledge of valuation and political economy into the existing portfolio of comprehensive services offered by the firm.
Start Macroeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #250973
This expert holds a PhD in Economics and brings to the table many years in the areas of microeconomics, regulation of business, and finance. This expert has applied economic expertise extensively in forensic economic cases, including the areas of employment and wrongful termination, personal injury, and wrongful death. This expert has participated in several cases in which this expert and colleagues have valued the compensation of various doctors, and in some cases, the progression of their careers through medical school, the residency program, etc. This expert is familiar with the compensation packages offered to doctors including those packages that provide incentive pay. This expert is also very familiar with the statistical data available regarding compensation for doctors (e.g., the Physicians' Compensation Survey, etc.). Previously, this expert specialized in telecommunications pricing and public policy determination and applied these in rulemaking proceedings and testimony before state and federal governments. This expert has also taught microeconomics to MBA students as an adjunct professor. This expert is a member of the American Economic Association, the Eastern Economic Association and the National Association of Forensic Economics.
Start Macroeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #251240
This expert holds a PhD in Economics and serves as a Senior Economist for a highly sought-after economics consultancy. As a testifying and consulting expert, this expert applies economic analysis and econometrics to liability and damages estimation for intellectual property, antitrust, and other complex litigation matters. This expert also values intellectual property for joint ventures and other non-litigation contexts. This expert's analyses have covered a wide variety of industries ranging from information technology, health care, asset-based lending, and insurance to products such as pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged goods, high-performance swimwear, vaccines, and power tools. This expert has particular expertise analyzing large relational databases, cross-sections, and panel datasets of commercial transactions, health care claims, and pricing, especially in the large-scale, class action context. This expert has served as a testifying expert about trademark damages, benchmarking the reasonableness of billed charges for health care services, and about the use of cost-benefit analysis in product liability. This expert has been an expert witness with the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) and the Trial Advocacy Group. As a consulting expert, this expert has provided analysis in antitrust and intellectual property cases on issues such as market pricing, competition, market power, common impact, reasonable royalties, and by constructing financial and econometric damages models. Additionally, this expert has valued trade secrets and monitored the viability and competitiveness of business divestitures of merging multinational firms as part of compliance with structural remedies for the multiple government organizations. In addition to consulting, this expert has taught microeconomics at the college level.
Start Macroeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #260548
This expert holds a Masters degree in Economics and brings to the table many years of experience specializing in tax issues and public policy. This expert serves as Chief Economist for a highly respected economics consultancy that focuses on the impact of fiscal policy on economic performance; shortcomings of existing tax systems and proposals for reform; and the long-run effects of growing fiscal imbalances.
This expert's work has often played a pivotal role in the policy making process. This expert's work on the adverse effects of high estate taxes on entrepreneurship, for example, is frequently cited by proponents of transfer tax reform. Similarly, this expert's work on the role that excessive excise taxes have played in encouraging tax evasion and related crime has made this expert a frequent witness when states and localities are considering additional tax hikes.
This expert worked as an economist where this expert started as a temporary employee fresh out of graduate school, and left as its chief economist. This expert become a senior economist specializing in tax issues. This expert has also worked as an economist and budget analyst for the federal government. This expert has worked on a wide variety of tax issues including the effects of tax credits. This expert served as an expert witness. In this case the governments alleged that they lost hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue because of illegal cigarette shipments into the city.
This expert's work has been cited in many influential publications. This expert has also published opinion pieces in newspapers across the country. In addition, this expert has appeared on numerous broadcast and cable news programs and given hundreds of interviews on radio stations nationwide.
Start Macroeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #258991
This expert has an undergraduate degree in Economics as well as an MBA. For many years, this expert has provided economic and actuarial consulting services including valuation of lost wages and benefits in wrongful termination matters. This expert served as an Adjunct Professor in Economics. This expert has deep experience as an expert witness having worked for both plaintiffs and defendants.
Start Macroeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #250390
This expert is a Partner in a highly successful Economic Litigation group, is an economics and valuation expert and forensic accountant. This expert holds a CPA with a master’s degree and a law degree, has served as a Special Master and Court-appointed Arbitrator. This expert has conducted royalty audits, negotiated licenses, and valued businesses and intellectual property for several dozen Fortune 500 companies and NLJ 250 law firms. Further, this expert has testified at more than 45 trials and arbitrations involving patent/trademark/copyright/trade secret, joint venture, franchise, acquisition, purchase price, and international transaction disputes.
This expert has been published in journals and law reviews. This expert has participated as a speaker at ABA, AIPLA, IPO, LES, and university conferences or seminar classes. This expert has also served on the faculties of law and business schools.
This expert practiced public accounting with Big Five firms, and is a Certified Public Accountant, and is Certified in Financial Forensics, Global Management Accounting and Patent Valuation.
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