Wrongful Termination Expert Witnesses

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What is a wrongful termination expert witness?
Wrongful termination expert witness candidates typically have areas of expertise in employment law, vocational rehabilitation, and/or possess a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification. Forensic accountants (or CPAs) specializing in economic loss, lost profits, earning capacity, lost earnings, and emotional distress damages as they relate to a wrongful termination claim are often called in to provide economic damage analysis. In a high-profile case a law firm may request a testifying expert with prior expert witness testimony experience.
What types of cases require a wrongful termination expert witness?
The terms of the employment contract and the governing laws for wrongful dismissal vary by jurisdiction. Wrongful termination expert witness candidates can provide support for many types of cases, including:
- Discrimination: An employer cannot terminate employment because of race, nationality, religion, sex, or age.
- Retaliation: An employer cannot terminate employment if the employee filed a discrimination claim.
- Reporting a Violation of Law to Authorities: An employee that reports an employer’s illegal violation, such as fraud, cannot be terminated under whistleblower laws.
- Employee’s refusal to commit an illegal act
- Employer does not comply with the company’s termination procedures and procedures
Constructive dismissal occurs when an employee resigns for reasons resulting from the employer’s violation of the employee’s legal rights. The US government agency Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing employment laws regarding discrimination against an applicant or employee due to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.
Wrongful termination expert witness case examples
Example employment litigation cases that Cahn Litigation Services has searched for expert witness candidates for have encompassed:
- damages expert for a real estate firm sexual harassment suit,
- human resources management,
- economist to opine on a business valuation methodology for business interruption damages calculations support,
- forensic psychiatry competency assessment,
- district court age discrimination case involving a Texas corporation,
- New York suit involving the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA),
- breach of contract claim in Los Angeles, California,
- vocational consulting, as well as
- and employment and labor matters involving other claims of employment discrimination and wrongful termination.
What litigation support work might a wrongful termination expert witness be expected to perform?
Litigation support by a wrongful termination expert witness could include record reviews, research and authoring expert reports, arbitrations, providing expert opinions, and expert testimony at deposition and at trial. In addition, a law firm may seek a wrongful termination or vocational rehabilitation expert for pre-litigation consulting work.
Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn a search for a wrongful termination expert witness around quickly, providing the right balance of expertise and testimony experience.
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Wrongful Termination Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Wrongful Termination experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Wrongful Termination landscape.
Expert Witness #250973
This expert holds a PhD in Economics and brings to the table many years in the areas of microeconomics, regulation of business, and finance. This expert has applied economic expertise extensively in forensic economic cases, including the areas of employment and wrongful termination, personal injury, and wrongful death. This expert has participated in several cases in which this expert and colleagues have valued the compensation of various doctors, and in some cases, the progression of their careers through medical school, the residency program, etc. This expert is familiar with the compensation packages offered to doctors including those packages that provide incentive pay. This expert is also very familiar with the statistical data available regarding compensation for doctors (e.g., the Physicians' Compensation Survey, etc.). Previously, this expert specialized in telecommunications pricing and public policy determination and applied these in rulemaking proceedings and testimony before state and federal governments. This expert has also taught microeconomics to MBA students as an adjunct professor. This expert is a member of the American Economic Association, the Eastern Economic Association and the National Association of Forensic Economics.
Start Wrongful Termination Expert SearchExpert Witness #258903
This expert is Founder and President of a highly successful national consultancy, certified rehabilitation counselor, Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts and certified life care planner who has provided services for the severely disabled for many years. Additionally, this expert has served as Vocational Expert for plaintiffs and defendants in Wrongful Termination, Sexual Harassment and Age, Sex and Disability Discrimination cases, as well as cases involving the American's with Disabilities Act.
In these cases, this expert has provided a vocational evaluation which consists of a record review, vocational diagnostic interview, work and transferable skills analysis, and when necessary, testing to make a determination of the individual's ability to perform gainful work activity, as well as their earning capacity in the local labor market. In addition, at times a Labor Market Survey is conducted to document the availability of job openings in the geographical area.
The vocational evaluation assists both plaintiff and defense attorneys in determining the effect a wrongful termination has on the earning capability of an individual after the incident. Research regarding job openings and wages for available positions using government and local sources is performed as part of the assessment. This information documents whether the plaintiff has conducted a reasonable job search and if the person has sustained any diminution of earnings capacity. A written report by a certified rehabilitation counselor who is experienced in termination cases can assist in documenting the case damages.
This expert has been performing forensic evaluations in wrongful termination, discrimination and harassment cases for many years, on a nationwide basis.
This expert is credentialed by the American Board of Vocational Experts, the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification and the International Academy of Life Care Planners. This expert has provided rehabilitation services to, and evaluated the vocational and employability potential of, over six thousand individuals.
Start Wrongful Termination Expert SearchExpert Witness #258939
This expert is a vocational counselor. For many years this expert has provided regional and national services to attorneys, individuals, national and state government agencies and employers.
This expert holds a Bachelor of Science with a major in Counseling and Guidance; and a Master of Education with a major in Vocational and Community Counseling. This expert has multiple professional licenses and certifications, both national and state.
This expert has worked extensively in cases of personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, workers' compensation, Social Security Disability and SSI, ADA compliance, spousal maintenance, and child support, providing expert witness testimony when needed. This expert testifies about 60 % for the defense, and 40% for plaintiffs in areas including all areas that involve employability, wrongful termination, loss of earnings or earning capacity, lifework expectancy, rehabilitation, and loss of access to the labor market.
Most cases are court appointed from the U.S. Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Social Security Administration, but this expert also has private sector cases.
Start Wrongful Termination Expert SearchExpert Witness #259008
This expert has worked for multiple accounting before establishing a regional practice. This expert's focus has been financial valuation of lost wages and benefits from wrongful termination, and forensic analyses of business and personal losses. This expert has testified over 100 times in both Federal and State Court. This expert has supported approximately 60% Plaintiff and 40% Defendant.
Start Wrongful Termination Expert SearchExpert Witness #259170
This expert has served as a testifying expert in 17 wrongful termination / employment matters and serves as Managing Director of a firm. This expert holds a doctorate in economics and has focused on consulting and forensic economics for many. This expert is well-published with numerous journal articles and book chapters and serves as an Adjunct Professor.
Start Wrongful Termination Expert SearchExpert Witness #258991
This expert has an undergraduate degree in Economics as well as an MBA. For many years, this expert has provided economic and actuarial consulting services including valuation of lost wages and benefits in wrongful termination matters. This expert served as an Adjunct Professor in Economics. This expert has deep experience as an expert witness having worked for both plaintiffs and defendants.
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