Breach of Contract Expert Witnesses

What is a breach of contract expert witness?
Breach of contract expert witness candidates typically have many years’ experience in contract law and/or damages analysis. Experts in breach of contract often have extensive background in accounting (CPA), economic damages, forensic accounting (CFA), or contract administration. In high profile cases, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, a law firm may require an expert with prior expert witness testimony experience.
What types of cases require a breach of contract expert witness?
A breach of contract occurs when a party to a contract fails to fulfill an obligation described in the contract. A breach of contract can occur when the contract is incomplete or unclear; it is not necessarily an intentional breach. Common types of disputes that could require a breach of contracts expert witness in a litigation include:
- Business contracts: A contract with employees, vendors, and contractors is good business practice for the protection of all parties involved. Other business contract disputes could involve business transactions (mergers/acquisitions), shareholders, and lost profits.
- Commercial leases : Contract language can cause disputes between business owners renting space, and real estate owners.
- Sale of goods & warranties: The Uniform Commercial Code guides the sale of goods between a merchant and supplier. Product warranties imply that products are sold as advertised and are free of defects.
- Non-disclosure or confidentiality agreement: An NDA or CA is a contract between parties that specifies confidential information that the parties could share for a certain purpose.
Breach of contract expert witness case examples
Example contract cases that Cahn Litigation Services include:
- breach of fiduciary duty,
- business litigation,
- malpractice,
- liability,
- misrepresentation,
- construction contracts,
- due diligence failure, and
- intellectual property (e.g., contracts involving licensing rights).
What litigation support work might a breach of contract expert witness be expected to perform?
Litigation support by a breach of contract expert witness could include contract review, expert report preparation, authoring expert opinions, damages calculations (i.e., compensatory damages, consequential damages, loss of earning, loss of profits, or expectation damages), arbitration, dispute resolution via mediation, and/or expert testimony in trial court.
Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn a search for a breach of contract expert witness around quickly, providing the right balance of expertise and testimony experience.
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Breach of Contract Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Breach of Contract experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Breach of Contract landscape.
Expert Witness #255955
For many years, this expert has delivered consulting services and expert testimony in commercial litigation matters concerning economic, financial, and business issues. While this expert is primarily focused on the calculation of economic damages, this expert has also assessed liability and provided non-litigation consulting services. As a consultant in a variety of complex litigation matters, this expert has advised on issues involving intellectual property disputes, breach of contract, predatory pricing and buying, antitrust monopolization, personal injury, and employment disputes. This expert's experience spans industries such as semiconductors, computers, consumer products and financial services, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. This expert has been the designated expert witness or non-litigation project leader in more than 70 matters, including cases involving intellectual property (patent infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, trademark infringement, and copyright infringement), breach of contract, class actions, personal injury, employment disputes, and consulting on reasonable license terms (non-litigation). This expert has provided sworn testimony eight times at deposition, three times at arbitration, at trial in state court, and three times at trial in U.S. District Court.
Start Breach of Contract Expert SearchExpert Witness #255943
This expert specializes in the application of financial and economic analyses to complex business matters involving litigation, technology licensing, and valuation, including the use of econometric methods to apportion value among inputs in complex devices. This expert has performed research, given economic testimony, and provided consultation in intellectual property, licensing, commercial damages, and antitrust matters - including the evaluation of economic damages involving lost profits, reasonable royalties, price erosion, unjust enrichment, profit disgorgement, and prejudgment interest - in patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, and antitrust cases. This expert has also overseen the analysis of fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) commitments and the economics of licensing standard essential patents (SEPs) in arbitration matters, federal district court cases, and at the US International Trade Commission (ITC); assessed intellectual property valuation, monetization, and licensing; and evaluated antitrust liability and damages for patent misuse and monopolization, as well as damages arising from incorrect inventorship.
This expert's experience covers a diverse range of industries, from computer hardware and software, semiconductors and cellular telephony to manufacturing processes, consumer products and pharmaceuticals.
Start Breach of Contract Expert SearchExpert Witness #259189
This expert has significant litigation support experience in varied matters ranging from intellectual property valuation to breach of contract damages. This expert's research and writings have been published in leading academic journals and is a recognized leader in the field. This expert has taught at the University level and has held numerous important positions in industry before adopting a consulting career. This expert holds a doctorate in management economics received an MBS.
Start Breach of Contract Expert SearchExpert Witness #261987
This expert, a Managing Director with a Disputes and Investigations consultancy, brings many years of experience on cases involving commercial damages quantification and causation, and major forensic accounting investigations. This expert has provided numerous expert reports and testified at deposition in approximately 80 matters. In at least 25 matters, this expert has been recognized as an expert witness at trials pending in state and federal courts and arbitration panels. This expert is regularly retained to evaluate issues sch as lost profits, price erosion, unjust enrichment and reasonable royalty damages.
While leading the firm's intellectual property group, this expert also has significant experience in other commercial litigation damages studies in matters such as breach of contract, minority shareholder, business interruption, lost profits, business valuation issues, construction and government contract claims, other commercial disputes and regulatory investigations and settlements. This expert has extensive experience in many areas such as: biotechnology, chemicals, computers, construction, government contracting, internet websites, manufacturing, medical devices, and mining - to name just a few.
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