Internet Protocol Expert Witnesses

Internet Protocol

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What is an internet protocol expert witness?

Internet protocol expert witness candidates typically have advanced degrees and extensive experience in computer sciencesoftware engineeringcybersecuritycomputer securityinformation securitycomputer networks, and internet applications. Expert witnesses in internet protocol often have specialty training in telecommunications, network security, cryptography, and/or programming.

What types of cases require an internet protocol expert witness?

An internet protocol expert witness could be engaged to provide expert witness service for intellectual property matters, such as a patent litigation in federal court or a trade secret dispute. It could be a patent infringement case in the District Court, an Inter Partes Review (IPR) in the PTAB, or a patent case or proceeding in the International Trade Commission (ITC). Digital forensics experts can utilize reverse engineering skills to determine if there is evidence to reveal intellectual property infringement or theft.

What litigation support work might an internet protocol expert witness be expected to perform?

Litigation support by an internet protocol expert witness could include  digital forensic investigations, computer forensics, research and authoring expert reports, providing expert opinions, and testimony at deposition and at trial. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, an attorney may request an expert with prior expert witness testimony experience. An internet protocol expert witness needs to not only have expertise but must also possess the ability to explain evidence to lay people, including a jury. In addition, clients may seek an internet protocol subject matter expert for pre-litigation consulting work, which could include reverse engineering or a patent portfolio analysis.

On behalf of the plaintiff or defendant, Cahn Litigation Services is often called upon by law firm clients to locate expert witnesses that can support software and internet matters, including cases involving internet protocol issues. The firm has the experience required to turn a search for an internet protocol expert witness around quickly, providing the right balance of expertise and testimony experience.

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Internet Protocol Expert Witness - Representative Bios

Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.

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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Internet Protocol experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Internet Protocol landscape.