Cryptography Expert Witnesses

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Cryptography Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Cryptography experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Cryptography landscape.
Expert Witness #221869
This expert is the Co-Founder of two successful security consulting firms specializing in network security and online fraud prevention. This expert has an extensive background in electronic payments and transactions, contributed to the very early Bluetooth specs, and published the first analysis of Bluetooth security vulnerabilities. This expert developed PoS related technologies and is highly knowledgeable when it comes to chip/stripe communication, having published on aspects of AIDC.
As a Principal Scientist this expert's mandate was to determine the impact of future fraud scenarios on commerce and authentication and developing intellectual property to address such problems. This expert is known throughout the industry as one of the more prominent computer scientists working in authentication, and user interfaces and payment systems. Along with being the named inventor on over one hundred issued and pending U.S. patents, this expert is one of the most cited authors in computer science. This expert has experience working as an expert witness in several patent litigation cases,
having been deposed ~30 times and testified in marksman hearings twice.
Start Cryptography Expert SearchExpert Witness #257642
This expert is the principal consultant and expert witness for an independent consulting firm. This expert is qualified as an expert on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency in Federal and State Courts and has provided testimony as an expert in a military tribunal, as well. This expert has provided independent expert witness services to the IRS, the FBI and the US Attorney's office and was previously an Associate Professor and a Financial Cryptography Consultant. This expert's Ph.D. is in Finance and this expert's Master's degree is in Economics. This expert is well-published and frequently presents at industry and academic conferences on the topic.
Start Cryptography Expert SearchExpert Witness #262582
This expert has deep knowledge of the operations of electronic voting technology, including the use of barcodes and the various approaches for permitting voters to read a paper version of their ballot or to verify the choices made on their ballot. This expert's extensive knowledge of the voting process in the U.S. and of technologies used for conducting elections has led to expert work in litigations involving election technology and public records, as well as intellectual property disputes. This expert has substantial background (including a PhD in number theory) in the theory and application of cryptography and related mathematics and computer science (hash functions, authentication, integrity of documents, etc.), including many years with a research laboratory in support of a government agency.
A recent project involved an analysis of election data records for all biennial elections in multiple states. Currently a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, this expert holds Ph.D., M.A., and B.S. degrees in mathematics.
Start Cryptography Expert SearchExpert Witness #232810
This expert holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing and is a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at a research university. Further, this expert serves as Associate Director of a wireless network laboratory, where this expert directs research in wireless security. This expert is a Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to Information Security. This expert has focused research efforts on wireless network security, and led a large research group that has produced research that has appeared in numerous high-impact journals and premier networking, security and systems conferences. This expert has led several federally funded projects in the area of cybersecurity and communication systems, involving security and privacy for sensor networks, physical layer security for wireless systems, a security framework for cognitive radios, the development of wireless testbed resources, and new RFID technologies. This expert was involved in an NSF-funded project, which is a clean-slate effort to re-architect the Internet to support mobility and improved security. This expert has led a DARPA initiative into validating and prototyping physical layer security mechanisms, an Army Research Office project on the theory of physical layer security, and an Army project on cognitive radio networks and routing protocols. This expert has published over 150 papers, including six best papers awards (two in media security, one in Internet design, one in cognitive radio systems, one in mobile computing, and one in wireless security). This expert's experience in network security and wireless spans many years, and this expert has co-authored a popular textbook in security, as well as several notable monographs on wireless security.
This expert's activities in wireless security include the investigation of techniques to secure wireless sensor networks, which includes validating the authenticity and validity of sensor measurements using both cryptographic and non-cryptographic mechanisms. This expert has provided technical analysis to lawyers at the Federal Trade Commission in regards to an anti-trust case. This work involved analyzing defendant software and subpoenaed documents, and subsequently writing thorough reports in regards to the potential intent existing within the defendant's software. This expert has also written several patents.
Start Cryptography Expert SearchExpert Witness #248784
This expert serves as Director of the Advanced Computer Engineering Laboratory at a prestigious university, and is engaged in solving problems related to high-performance and low-power computing systems with focus on VLSI chip engineering. This expert specializes in high-speed digital circuits as well as low-power design, low-power digital circuit libraries and optimal relationship between computational energy and speed. This expert's broader expertise is also in Computer Arithmetic, Media Signal Processing, Cryptography and System Architecture. This expert is a Professor Emeritus and has held Visiting Professor positions several universities. This expert obtained Ph.D. and MSc degrees in Computer Science and a Dipl. Ing. (MScEE) degree in electronics and telecommunications. This expert worked on development of early RISC and super-scalar RISC processors, and holds several patents on the subject. This expert's engagements include positions with many technology leaders. This expert's interest is in VLSI systems, fast circuits, low-power design and efficient implementations of computer arithmetic. This expert's work has been applied in several leading processors. This expert holds 15 USA and 7 International patents and 5 others pending. This expert has published over 170 papers in the areas of circuits and technology, computer arithmetic and computer architecture, written three books and a dozen book chapters and one edited book in high-performance system design. This expert is a Fellow of IEEE and a member of the American Association for Advancement of Science and the American Association of the University Professors.
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