Computer Forensics Expert Witnesses
What is a computer forensics expert witness?
Computer forensics expert witness candidates typically have extensive experience in computer science. A computer forensics expert witness needs to not only have substantive expertise but must also possess the ability to explain digital evidence and technology to jurors. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, the legal team may request a technologist with prior expert witness testimony experience.
What types of cases require a computer forensics expert witness?
A branch of digital forensic science, computer forensics work is performed to obtain digital information. Computer forensics can be used to incriminate individuals in fraud cases and can also assist in catching criminals who don’t think they left an imprint when committing certain crimes. Computer forensic evidence can be used to trace hacking, espionage and even bank fraud. The discipline involves similar techniques used in data recovery, but are specifically designed to create a legal audit trail.
Matters requiring computer forensics expert witness services can involve intellectual property litigation, such as software copyright, or trade secret disputes. A criminal investigation involving fraud or electronic discovery data can also call for a computer forensic investigation.
What litigation support work might a computer forensics expert witness be expected to perform?
Litigation support by a computer forensics expert could include analyses, authoring expert reports, providing expert opinions, depositions, and expert testimony in the courtroom. Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn a search around quickly and provide qualified candidates that mirror the specifications set by the law firm.
Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn a search for a computer forensics expert witness around quickly, providing the right balance of expertise and testimony experience.
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Computer Forensics Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Computer Forensics experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Computer Forensics landscape.
Expert Witness #257257
This expert is a Senior Forensic Analyst and Software Developer Strata. This expert's BS in computer Information Systems is bolstered by forensics and forensic Examiner certifications.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #238156
This expert brings to the table many years of experience and a global reputation for integrity, accuracy, and innovation, and is widely considered one of the world's leading authorities in information protection and risk management. This expert is CEO of an internationally recognized and trusted advisory firm specializing research and advisory services, litigation support, developing high demand graduate education programs, pathfinder studies, and business growth strategies.
This expert has extensive knowledge of issues related to digital forensics and the operation of computers, applications, devices, networks, and related mechanisms. This starts with experience designing, building, managing, operating, examining, and using computers and other devices and the Internet and its predecessor the ARPAnet, starting from when this expert was a computer operator for one of the early nodes in the ARPAnet. This expert has performed a wide variety of different functions associated with the Internet and systems connected thereto continuously, including without limit; specifically writing such software and analysis of such software; (2) examination and analysis of systems, mechanisms, claims, and asserted evidence for legal matters.
This expert has performed research over a period of years and published peer reviewed papers and two books as well as book chapters on issues of digital forensic evidence examination including specific work on examining digital traces for consistency, similarity, and a variety of closely related issues. This expert has testified at deposition and at trial in matters involving digital forensics including systems, mechanisms, and asserted evidence involving the Internet and related environments and systems, and has been qualified as an expert in Federal, State, and Local matters.
This expert earned and received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, an M.S. in Information Science, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.
As a corporate consultant and industry analyst this expert has helped advise hundreds of the world's largest enterprises on security and risk management strategy and their information protection programs. As a consultant to and researcher for the U.S. government this expert was the principal investigator on seminal studies in defensive information operations. This expert has also worked in critical infrastructure protection, with law enforcement, and with the intelligence community to help improve their ability to deal with computer related crime and emerging threats to national security. This expert has worked on issues of digital forensics, including work for many large corporations, testimony in federal and state criminal and civil matters, and pro bono and state-funded work for indigent defendants.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #211268
This expert is founder and principal technologist at a leading cyber security firm. This expert has been in the computer technology industry for many years and has been a consultant to Fortune 500 firms. This expert is well-published and is a certified Computer Forensic Examiner. This expert has extensive expert witness experience, having provided expert services in cases involving major companies.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #263116
This expert is internationally recognized as a leading expert in the area of electronic balloting and vote tabulation. For many years, this expert has observed elections as a scientist, expert witness, poll-worker and committee person in numerous U.S. States. This expert has been qualified by trial judges as an expert witness in computer science, computer and digital forensics, computer security, computer graphics, electronic voting and tabulation systems.
In addition to a Ph.D., this expert holds various degrees in engineering and computer science. This expert is a senior life member of the Association for Computing Machinery, a member of the ACM/IEEE Computer Society, and a senior member of the IEEE.
This expert has provided testimony to the United States House Committee on Science, Space and Technology; the Federal Election Commission; the United States Commission on Civil Rights; the National Institute of Standards and Technology; and the Cabinet of the United Kingdom.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #259850
This expert holds a PhD in Computer Science and specializes in Computer security and privacy, Internet and Web technologies, and software forensics. This expert has brought these skills to bear building a highly successful litigation support consultancy providing technical research and consulting services for software litigation and review, including:
- Experienced expert investigation and exposition- Source code analysis: understanding software's technical purpose from its original design- Behavioral analysis: understanding software's behavior through live experiments- Security and privacy audits of Web sites and Internet-enabled softwareClients have engaged this expert in cases including trade secrets, patents, privacy, internal product reviews, and antitrust. This expert has testified at trial 8 times, had 19 depositions, and has served almost 10,000 pages of expert reports.
Web bugs (beacons) have been one of this expert's research areas and this expert has published in this area. This expert continues working in Web technologies and is quite comfortable with them.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #247985
This expert is a year veteran of the software industry, having worked on numerous projects involving source code and executables written in C++ and other languages. This expert has devoted a significant portion of this expert's consulting practice to expert witness services, supporting a near even mix of plaintiffs and defendants in over forty patent, software copyright, and trade secret matters where code review, reverse engineering, and computer software and hardware forensics are required. This expert has become patent savvy and understand the concepts behind patent litigation from claim construction, to validity contentions.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #232810
This expert holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing and is a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at a research university. Further, this expert serves as Associate Director of a wireless network laboratory, where this expert directs research in wireless security. This expert is a Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to Information Security. This expert has focused research efforts on wireless network security, and led a large research group that has produced research that has appeared in numerous high-impact journals and premier networking, security and systems conferences. This expert has led several federally funded projects in the area of cybersecurity and communication systems, involving security and privacy for sensor networks, physical layer security for wireless systems, a security framework for cognitive radios, the development of wireless testbed resources, and new RFID technologies. This expert was involved in an NSF-funded project, which is a clean-slate effort to re-architect the Internet to support mobility and improved security. This expert has led a DARPA initiative into validating and prototyping physical layer security mechanisms, an Army Research Office project on the theory of physical layer security, and an Army project on cognitive radio networks and routing protocols. This expert has published over 150 papers, including six best papers awards (two in media security, one in Internet design, one in cognitive radio systems, one in mobile computing, and one in wireless security). This expert's experience in network security and wireless spans many years, and this expert has co-authored a popular textbook in security, as well as several notable monographs on wireless security.
This expert's activities in wireless security include the investigation of techniques to secure wireless sensor networks, which includes validating the authenticity and validity of sensor measurements using both cryptographic and non-cryptographic mechanisms. This expert has provided technical analysis to lawyers at the Federal Trade Commission in regards to an anti-trust case. This work involved analyzing defendant software and subpoenaed documents, and subsequently writing thorough reports in regards to the potential intent existing within the defendant's software. This expert has also written several patents.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #233212
This expert holds a Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science and has spent a career as an innovator in the field of multimedia, broadband, web commerce and distributed computing. This expert was the Chief Technology Officer of a billion-dollar publicly traded broadband company, including its Internet-over-cable subsidiary and satellite Internet company. This included direct hands-on oversight of all networks, services, deployments, NOCs, & technology, including DOCSIS conversion.
This expert has extensive experience including many Internet multimedia firsts while leading a Networked Entertainment Technology program at a major computer company. This includes seminal streaming media work, contemporaneously knowledgeable of development of interstitial ad insertion in streaming media.
This expert has first-hand knowledge of and is highly experienced with technologies including Cable TV headends & infrastructure, Set-Top Box, access networks, protocols, modulation/demodulation, channelization/bonding/multiplexing, all networking physical media including wired/wireless/RF. This expert personally designed the film/TV industry's first hi-def set-top box - software, hardware, service, and networking - and deployed it throughout many studios. This expert is also the past CTO of a satellite broadband company; a principal Internet multimedia digital asset company; a $100 million wireless firm; others.
As an experienced expert witness, this expert has been involved with ~ dozen engagements. This expert is familiar with validity/invalidity, infringement/noninfringement, non-infringing alternative identification, claim construction, §101/102/103/112 arguments, and working with damages experts. This expert is highly experienced at code review, system analysis, forensics for infringement/non-infringement. This expert is comfortable at deposition and has over 60 hours on-record testimony.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #230902
This expert has many years of experience in hardware and software engineering from embedded systems in the telecommunications and robotics fields to very large-scale enterprise systems. This expert has developed embedded systems for media distribution, high speed encryption and robots; enterprise systems; AI technologies; computer language compilers and interpreters; operating systems; network protocols and knowledge discovery tools; and web and non-web Internet based systems. This expert has extensive experience with more than 45 computer languages and relational, object and post-relational database systems. This expert has developed custom loaders for object code and understands the general requirements of a bifurcated OS or API where executable code for certain concerns are stored in separate and interchangeable code and data elements. This expert has also developed table-based solutions for localizing executables.
Selected Professional Experience
Senior Systems Engineer – Lead engineer of a team responsible for porting MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows to Paradyne PCs. Developed drivers and BIOS. Senior engineer on team responsible for porting and customizing the first implementation of Microsoft Xenix, which later became SCO Unix. Consulted to team responsible for localizing Paradyne products for various foreign language markets.
Department manager and lead engineer of Embedded Systems for a Robotics Group. Under this expert’s direction and following this expert’s design, the group developed a custom real-time operating system with extensions for executing a software-based replacement for Programmable Logic Controllers using a custom logic language compiler of this expert’s design, a distributed multi-node inter-process communication subsystem and other OS extensions.
This expert has years of experience providing expert reports, depositions and testimony for patent litigation, forensics and software contract disputes in telecommunications, computer and network technologies, media distribution and media handling devices and cellular devices and networks including both hardware and software.
This expert’s expert analysis and conclusions were instrumental in achieving successful results in several cases, including a petition before the PTAB for re-examination of a patent’s validity, wherein this expert’s expert written and oral opinions led to a reversal of the Board’s previous invalidity decision, resulting in the patent’s validity being sustained, as well as a similar reversal of a prior decision on a second patent the following day, using the same arguments.
Start Computer Forensics Expert SearchExpert Witness #257821
This expert is a Chair of Engineering and Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This expert held a variety of engineering positions in industry. This expert has practiced as an independent professional engineer. This expert’s practice areas include digital systems design and analysis, computer architecture, computer systems security, embedded systems, and signal processing algorithms. This expert is an author or co-author of over 250 technical articles and five books and is a named inventor on five US patents and five provisional or patents pending. This expert has consulted with and performed sponsored research for several different federal government agencies and industrial organizations. This expert’s research activities generally revolve around modeling, simulation, formal verification, and design of digital systems including both conventional electronic and emerging technology implementations.
This expert wrote machine-code designed to purposely exploit design errors and to invoke the test circuitry in the chip. In academia, this expert has taught digital design at the introductory and advanced levels, including embedded systems design, programmable logic, and ASIC. All of these classes include the teaching of test methods as a critical part of classes. This expert is also familiar with test standards for BIST including JTAG 1149.1, etc.
This expert has worked with both plaintiffs and defendants and has experience testifying in depositions and trials. This expert is an author of numerous expert reports and declarations for the plaintiff and defense, and also numerous declarations and IPR-related reports. Other experience includes pre-filing/due diligence analysis, prior art searching and analysis/rebuttal, forensics, reverse engineering, software/firmware/HDL listing analysis, drafting infringement, invalidity, and rebuttal contentions, claim construction/Markman preparation, tutorial development, direct examination Q&A drafting. This expert is a named inventor on five US patents and five patent applications.
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