Electrical Engineering Expert Witnesses

Electrical Engineering

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What is an electrical engineering expert witness?

Electrical engineering expert witness candidates typically have an advanced degree (PhD, BSEE) and extensive experience as an electrical engineer or in materials science. Candidates may be designated as a licensed professional engineer and are often involved with industry associations such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). While many engineering consultants have technical expertise, an expert witness carries the additional responsibility of providing testimony before the court in a manner whereby lay people (the judge and jurors) can understand the evidence.

What types of cases require an electrical engineer expert witness?

Cases requiring electrical engineering expert witness services involve devices and systems that use electricityelectronics, and electromagnetism and often include semiconductor design and manufacturing as well as intellectual property, such as patent infringement litigation or trade secret disputes. A forensic engineer can reverse engineer components to prove (or disprove) intellectual property infringement or theft.

Cahn Litigation Services completes numerous searches for an electrical engineering expert witness, providing candidates for each case to the specifications provided by the attorney in charge. Typical cases appear in a broad range of industries from electric power generation and distribution to cars and smartphones and include disputes surrounding electrical safety and electrical accidents (such as a high voltage electrical fire), analog or digital circuitry, or power electronics patent infringement, just to name a few.


What litigation support work might an electrical engineer expert witness be expected to perform?

An expert with specialized knowledge in electrical engineering might be called upon to provide testimony in a torts matter like a product liability case. In addition, a law firm may request a professional electrical engineer for pre-litigation engineering services. Litigation support could include a prior art search, forensic engineering, accident reconstruction, equipment failure analysis, expert opinion, depositions, or report preparation along with witness testimony in a courtroom. In addition, a law firm may request an electrical engineer for pre-litigation consulting services.


Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn the search around quickly. The firm has an earned reputation of providing electrical engineer expert witness candidates with the right balance of expertise and testimony to get the job done.

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Electrical Engineering Expert Witness - Representative Bios

Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.

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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Electrical Engineering experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Electrical Engineering landscape.