Computer Gaming Expert Witnesses

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Computer gaming expert witness candidates typically have extensive experience and expertise in computer science, electrical engineering, computer forensics, computer animation, and/or software engineering.
A computer game is a type of video game played on a personal computer, as opposed to a video game console, and is popular on a number of platforms including mobile devices (smart phone, ipad), desktop and laptop devices. Often, matters requiring computer gaming technology expert witness services involve intellectual property, such as patent infringement litigation, copyright or trade secret disputes. A software forensic expert can analyze software source code to determine if there is evidence to reveal intellectual property infringement or theft.
Litigation support by a computer gaming expert witness could include reverse engineering, an expert report, an expert opinion, expert testimony, and trial testimony. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, counsel may request a subject matter expert with prior testifying experience. An expert witness needs to not only have the requisite expertise but must also possess the ability to explain technology and evidence to lay people, such as a judge or jurors. In addition, clients may seek a gaming industry expert for pre-litigation consulting work.
Cahn Litigation Services is often called upon to locate expert witnesses that can support computer gaming matters and can present demonstrative evidence to support a case. History has shown that the firm consistently provides experts with the perfect balance of expertise and testimony to support each specific project and its nuances.
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Computer Gaming Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Computer Gaming experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Computer Gaming landscape.
Expert Witness #212686
This expert has many years of experience in software and hardware development for embedded systems, and has served as an Expert Witness. This expert has hands-on experience developing software on portable wireless communications devices, including the development of over 30 smartphone applications, generating over 50 million user installs. This expert has worked on numerous embedded systems projects which have included wireless communications, including game consoles, handheld gaming devices, first generation (J2ME/Brew) "feature" phones, present day smartphone devices and browser-based online games. As an expert in over 20 computer software languages, including assembly language [TMS1000, AMI S2000, 6502, 65816, 6800, Z80, 8080, etc], C, C++, Java, Javascript, Objective C, Lingo, Swift, and others, this expert has performed extensive source code analysis and reverse engineering from object code to source code. This expert has development experience with embedded systems utilizing ROM-based software. As an early pioneer in the handheld electronic toy and video game industries, this expert designed software on systems where the delivery mechanism was ROM-based cartridges. This expert also has strong knowledge of microprocessor and microcontroller architectures used in embedded systems, having designed the hardware and software of early microcontroller-based handheld electronic products. This expert designed, developed and coded one of the earliest tokenized interpretive languages for a commercially released software product. The architecture of the language was based on processor-independent, bytecode "object code," which was compiled on-the-fly during program design and interpreted in real-time by an assembly language-based virtual machine. The language was highly optimized, allowing for the development of real-time, graphic-intensive applications executing at 15 frames per second (on 8-bit hardware). This expert has been retained as an expert and accepted by the court in over 25 patent infringement cases, on both the plaintiff and defendant sides. This expert has written numerous reports on patent infringement and non-infringement, validity/invalidity and claim construction, been deposed over 25 times and has testified in court or at an arbitration hearing seven times. Outside of this expert's expertise in video games, this expert has worked on numerous other cases involving software development for general applications, including image processing, vector graphics, virtual reality, embedded control systems for location-based amusement machines, and a handheld language translator.
Start Computer Gaming Expert SearchExpert Witness #225725
This expert holds a BS, MS, and Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science. This expert heads a technology consultancy, an IP licensing company, serves on several high technology and gaming industry advisory boards and is the named inventor on several patents and applications. On behalf of top telecom carriers, this expert has performed consulting work on patent portfolio monetization related to instant messaging, as well as reverse engineering and claim analysis to prove infringement by target companies. This expert works closely with counsel to verify, validate and target large corporate infringement and provides ongoing monitoring of worldwide patent infringement and claims resolution for a leading display company.
This expert has:
- lead real time collaboration groups. The work that was done was in the area of mobile devices messaging, telephony, networking streaming, etc.- built products on top of these kinds of systems as well as handheld devices.- founded a company in the two-way messaging space involving instant messaging.- programmed the internet's original photo sharing community that involved photos and imaging and keeping track of locations in images. This expert wrote mobile applications on top of that platform as well.- written video streaming and reception software.- built several mobile terminal systems communicating with multiple distributed servers.- Been involved with many authentication issues and built such systems.- started a company in the ProAV space where this expert built a multimedia network connected pro av playback system that worked between multiple machines and had remote access and used cameras and control. This expert's PhD thesis was focused on building massive displays out of multiple projectors (pro av devices) using machine vision etc.This expert has extensive prior litigation experience as an expert including IPRs.
Start Computer Gaming Expert SearchExpert Witness #215714
This expert has many years of academic and engineering experience and has experience as an expert witness in computer science, software development, network streaming media, embedded systems, enterprise software systems, digital signal processing for audio and music technology. This expert has sustained a long and successful career at the cutting edge of software development and system design using multiprocessor/multi-core architectures for signal processing and control. This expert has been a Software Architect for multiple projects at various companies, and has consulted for a long list of technology companies. This expert provides computer technology consulting, software engineering, and litigation support to high-technology companies, internationally.
This expert has testified before the International Trade Commission, and before a jury in Federal Court, has testified at Markman claim construction hearings and Markman tutorials in Federal Court, been deposed over 10 times, and has authored more than 50 reports and declarations. Case types include patent, trademark infringement, copyright, trade secret misappropriation, and inequitable conduct. This expert has worked on complex international patent cases, and has provided expertise on such diverse areas as streaming media systems, handheld networked Personal Information Management (PIM) devices, enterprise email systems, software for factory automation, interactive databases, enterprise software for management of media libraries, MPEG audio compression, on-line gaming, composition systems, digital camera hardware and software, digital audio hardware and software technologies, compilers, file systems, operating systems, and more.
This expert has worked for companies that interfaced between portable and nonportable devices for sharing information and resources. Additionally, this expert has testified on matters regarding the protocol for having a portable device direct music to be transmitted to a sound system wirelessly.
This expert has published widely in various juried journals, and has authored three books including a two-volume text on the mathematics of music, and a collection of articles on artificial neural networks and music research. This expert taught graduate and undergraduate courses in computer science and digital audio, conducted computer systems research for digital audio, designed and built several networked digital media computer laboratories.
Start Computer Gaming Expert SearchExpert Witness #261343
This expert is an experienced software engineering lead and architect with many years of experience leading teams in the development of complex systems. This expert has hands on experience from 8-bit embedded realtime systems, to Cray supercomputers, and now on the could computing ecosystem of DevOps, ML, and AI. The systems this expert has delivered include data analytics running daily for customers in the DoD, websites and services for commercial customers, 3D realtime simulations, and top 10 games on the Apple II. This expert's current focus is defining and implementing scalable solutions in support of data science and machine learning teams to transition novel algorithms into daily use.
This expert published a video game for the Apple II, C-64, and Atari 400/800. This expert was lead programmer and architect of a Win95/DirectX FPS game. This expert initially wrote a rendering engine but switched to Direct3D v.3.0 during development. This expert was an application engineer responsible for 3rd party API design and integration of a rendering engine which was custom artistic' rather than a photorealistic rendering engine. This work required considerable study and understanding of the then current state of the art software rendering. The renderer required a full understanding of various rendering pipelines as well as where it would be beneficial either for desired effect or compute performance to modify that pipeline. The render was specifically an alternative to the photo-realistic renders which he studied. The best of these were physically based, ray-tracing renderers.
This expert's understanding of the details of physically based rendering benefited from an undergraduate physics degree. This expert continues to study various rendering techniques as they relate to scientific visualization.
Start Computer Gaming Expert SearchExpert Witness #260966
With many years in the industry, this expert is an independent software developer and strategy consultant for engineering and construction firms. This expert's work currently entails using non-AEC industry tech and applying it to the built environment. This includes the use of deep reinforced learning, machine learning, and computer vision, as well as game engines. Because of this focus, this expert does code review and analysis, reviewing outside code to evaluate its fitness for application to AEC-client problems.
Start Computer Gaming Expert SearchExpert Witness #125103
This expert has been providing consulting and expert witness services for a decade. Concurrently, this expert has been an Adjunct Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering. This expert has extensive industry and expert witness experience in the gaming industry, including developing/publishing of titles, mobile gaming technology, gaming controller technology and related microprocessor technology. This expert is well-published and is a frequent presenter at academic and industry conferences, further establishing himself as an authority in the field.
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