Location Based Services Expert Witnesses
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Location Based Services (LBS) expert witness candidates typically possess backgrounds in software engineering, network communications, and/or have specialized knowledge in GPS or GIS. Location based services use real-time geo-data from a cell phone (or other mobile device) to disseminate information. Location based services use GPS technology to track a device location. Some examples of how businesses and consumers utilize location-based services include:
- Turn-by-turn navigation
- Locating friends/family on a map displayed on a mobile phone
- Location-based mobile device advertising
- Sending a cell phone location during an emergency call
- Recommending events (such as via Yelp)
- Using location-based intelligence, helping retail customers to find a nearby store
- Geo-fencing, which is a virtual perimeter (for example, notifying parents if a child penetrates a certain zone, or sending an alert if a vehicle is stolen)
- Travel information (traffic updates, road conditions and weather reports)
- Fraud prevention (syncing a customer’s location to a credit card transaction)
- Managing a mobile workforce by tracking employees in the field (delivery services, repair services)
Often, matters requiring location-based services expert witness work involve patent infringement litigation. Expert witness services by a location-based services expert witness could include an expert report, expert opinion, and/or trial testimony. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, an attorney may require a testifying expert with prior expert witness testimony experience. In addition, clients often seek an industry expert for pre-litigation consulting work.
While many experts have location-based services expertise, an expert witness carries the additional responsibility of providing testimony before the court in a manner whereby lay people can understand the technology and evidence.
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Location Based Services Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Location Based Services experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Location Based Services landscape.
Expert Witness #222723
This expert holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering. This expert serves as CTO of highly successful technology consultancy specializing in technology IP and expert witness in such areas as telecommunications, wireless networks, and signal processing. This expert provides world-class expertise and experience working with leading law firms, expert witness services, patent analysis, prior art search, source code review, hardware review, patent infringement, patent invalidity, trade secret disputes, and related matters. This expert has many years and 30 cases of experience as an expert witness. This expert has been deposed 14 times, testified 4 times in Jury trial and 2 times in ITC trial, worked on Inter-Partes Review (IPR) and Ex Parte Reexamination petitions, and wrote numerous reports.
Specializing in Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Speech Coding and transmission, this expert has developed associated algorithms and software products, as well as hardware and software related services for the past 31 years. This expert is very familiar with most if not all speech coding techniques for various applications.
As a part of continuous self-education and research interests, which includes the evaluation of emerging standards and technologies, this expert has performed extensive research on the subject of location measurement (including triangulation) in wireless and cellular networks, including Uplink -Time Difference of Arrival (U-TDOA), Time of Arrival, Time Difference of Arrival, and Angle of Arrival (AOA) methods. This includes various DSP techniques for resolving ambiguity in signal detection, as well as closed-form solutions and the probabilistic estimation and recursive algorithms such as Least Mean Squares (LMS), Recursive Least Squares (RLS), and Kalman filtering.
This expert has performed extensive learning and research of the subject of GPS and location measurement (including triangulation), dynamic programming, recursive algorithms, computer graphics algorithms, numerous industry standards including telephony networks, traffic messaging, databases and web programming languages. This expert is highly familiar with 3GPP GPS and location measurement, protocols, channels, and LBS standards.
- This expert's experience and training have included substantial exposure to the field of Geographic Information Systems. For example, this expert worked for an army to develop improved navigation methods using topographical maps, aerial photos of geographic areas and three-dimensional derivations of aerial photos.- This expert developed an iterative algorithm, based on dynamic programming, for searching for the best route on a time grid, that was used to warp waveforms, as part of this project of implementing a time-warping speech recognition system. Each such route, or time-warping function, was associated with a cost function that was minimized through the search process yielding the optimal route or warping function.
Start Location Based Services Expert SearchExpert Witness #251048
This expert received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. This expert's research is in the broad area of wireless communications and networking, with particular emphasis on resource management, distributed protocols, and security. This expert has worked extensively on secure verification of location and timing information, including privacy preserving audit mechanisms. This expert's research in this area focused on third-part privacy preserving audits of encrypted control messages (e.g., secure sensing measurements that must be accompanied by time and GPS coordinates) in various contexts, including wireless sensor networks, storage systems (verifiability of stored data in cloud storage), location-based message verification in packet relaying, and others.
This expert has been involved in NSF and DoD funded projects related to cognitive radio networks; shared and dynamic spectrum access; coexistence of heterogeneous wireless systems (e.g., LTE-U/WiFi); wireless security (e.g., obfuscation of transmission signatures, MIMO-based friendly jamming; insider attacks, selective-reactive jamming/dropping, game-theoretic countermeasures); 802.11 WLANs; power control protocols; multi-channel MIMO systems (including virtual/cooperative MIMO); mmWave systems; secure satellite communications; energy management in solar-powered WSNs; full-duplex communications and self-interference suppression; and media streaming over wireless links. This expert worked on packet scheduling and buffer management in switches and routers, QoS provisioning, fault monitoring/detection in optical networks, effective-bandwidth theory, traffic characterization, voice-over-IP, and video-on-demand systems. This expert has published more than 250 journal articles and peer-reviewed conference papers, and is a co-inventor of 5 granted/pending US patents. This expert's grants include 20 competitive NSF awards, 16 of which this expert served as the sole or lead PI. This expert was a keynote speaker at various conferences, including IEEE ICCSP, IEEE CRESS, IEEE CCW, IFIP Wireless Days, and the IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks. This expert was an invited panelist at various international conferences. This expert gave tutorials at premier wireless networking conferences and frequently consults for companies in the telecommunications sector.
Start Location Based Services Expert SearchExpert Witness #252087
This expert is an internationally recognized, premier provider of business, product and technology strategy and implementation services for enterprises, start-ups, and public sector entities looking to capitalize on location-based services (LBS) and the Internet of Things (IoT). With market leading expertise in all forms of indoor and outdoor location technologies including GPS, Beacons, RFID, RTLS/Wi-Fi, network-based methods, and various combinations and hybrids, and the context-awareness potential of sensors, this expert provides services that ensure fully functional and integrated indoor and outdoor applications. The rapidly evolving technologies of sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT), combined with SMART/intelligent location, provides the cornerstones of the mobile future: in SMART Homes, Wearables, Buildings, Cities, and Enterprises, they require the best-of-the-best location and context expertise to fully capitalize on IoT's potential. This expert provides the latest IoT developments, expertise and experience in visioning, designing and implementation of leading edge, highly innovative location-related use cases and products and technologies. This expert has provided the highest quality expert witness services related to wireless location, across the full range of IP/patent dimensions from the most technical to those regarding business methods. This expert has successfully provided expert witness services in over 50 patent, anti-trust, and ITC cases, including several successful Inter Parte Reexaminations (IPRs), including deposition and courtroom testimony.
Start Location Based Services Expert SearchExpert Witness #260067
This expert is an Associate Professor. This expert's academic research has been in routing and mapping algorithms for driverless vehicles. This expert is also the inventor of a patent that tracks the location of snow plows and determines when and which sections of road are plowed so the data can be displayed on a map for user consumption. This expert has been a developer in C/C++ and Python, and teaches college classes in both of those languages as well as other related topics. This expert has provided services as an expert witness on 13 cases, specifically on a few cases involving patent litigation and IPRs, and has been deposed four times in patent litigation cases.
Start Location Based Services Expert SearchExpert Witness #219483
This expert is a noted technologist, product developer, consultant, patent analyst, educator and expert witness with many years of experience specializing in mobile, cellular, wireless technologies, GPS technologies, wired technologies, networks, phones, standards, services and systems. This expert's professional activities and services have focused exclusively on mobile, cellular, GPS and wireless and wired technologies. This expert holds over 35 US and International Patents in the telecommunications field. As an expert in GPS receivers, this expert has written many expert reports for non-infringement, infringement, invalidity and validity, has given depositions and has testifying experience. This expert has performed due diligence on patents in the early stages of infringement and has testified at deposition or jury trial over thirty times. This expert has worked over fifty cases involving tracking and positioning of a cell phone in the commission of a criminal act using GPS and Wi-Fi technologies.
Start Location Based Services Expert SearchExpert Witness #246862
This expert has been designing and programming advanced user interfaces for many years and has worked on a wide variety of user interface projects in the areas of air traffic control, military communications, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile defense systems, Homeland security systems, two way pager systems, mobile portable phones, facial recognition systems, web based ecommerce systems, Android and iOS applications for smartphones and tablets, IPV6 internet routers, gaming systems, multiple medical devices, and mobile big data collection and analysis systems.
With a Masters’ degree and a PhD in Human Factors focusing on Advanced User Interface Design, this expert is an avid software engineer and architect with extensive knowledge in C, C++, C#, Objective-C, and Java. This expert has designed many advanced systems that utilize GPS and other mapping and location-based technologies in the areas of:
Advanced air traffic control
Military tracking of soldiers, equipment and vehicles
Routing of wireless signals for Army vehicles based on location
Routing, planning, and surveillance of unmanned aerial vehicles
Terrorist Tracking application
Personal tracking applications for iOS and Android
Tracking of visitors at a theme park
This expert has designed and developed a GPS enabled Location Based Services application for iOS and Android. Further, this expert has developed advanced geographic information systems for a proprietary research and development project and developed location based Unmanned Air Vehicle routing, control, and tracking algorithms for a proprietary research and development program.
This expert has been retained approximately 85 times, deposed 29 times, testified at trial in both state and federal courts, and presented at a Markman hearing and to the USPTO. This expert has written approximately 70 expert reports and declarations. This expert has worked on a wide variety of patent litigation cases for both plaintiffs and defendants.
This expert has also worked on advanced missile defense systems, two-way pager systems, mobile portable phones, IPV6 internet routers, multiple medical devices, been involved with the design and implementation of portable handheld devices for many years and spent approximately 400 hours reviewing source code as an expert witness for a case. This expert can be very helpful in the areas of infringement/non-infringement and validity/invalidity, claim construction, source code review, writing declarations and expert reports, and expert testimony at deposition and at trial.
Start Location Based Services Expert SearchExpert Witness #250613
This expert has been involved in the development of automotive safety systems for many years. This evolved to self-driving car technology. The primary emphasis of this expert's work has been on the development of map navigation from vehicle data, including such data as vehicle position, camera data, radar data, and most recently, LiDAR data. This expert's work requires this expert to understand the limitations of these various sensors from an automated driving perspective, as well as how those limitations may be overcome through the use of navigation data to "calibrate" sensors based on their location. This work includes the overall design of vehicle sensor systems in order to develop a comprehensive suite that works in most conditions. This expert has also worked on the necessary communications required to collect this data, and business models to make this practical. In addition, this expert has worked on the development and use of "mapping vans" which use LiDAR as their primary sensors. This expert has worked on approximately 12 intellectual property cases, generally supporting vehicle manufacturers. This expert has provided about 20 expert reports and testified three times. Several of these cases involved driver assistance technologies, such as vehicle radars. This expert's academic background is in the field of physics and included significant work in the field of optics. This expert was also involved in the development of several optical reconnaissance technologies, as well as the development of IR missile seekers.
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