Helmet Expert Witnesses

Helmet expert witness candidates typically have backgrounds and expertise in mechanical engineering, human factors, or biomechanics. A technical expert witness needs to also possess the ability to provide expert testimony in such a manner that a judge and jury can understand the technology and evidence.
Helmet laws vary from state to state, though data shows the significant value of helmets in preventing brain injury and saving lives. According to the CDC, motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of death by over 37%, and reduce the risk of head injury by almost 70%.
A helmet expert witness could provide expertise in intellectual property matters, such as a patent litigation or a trade secret dispute. A helmet expert could also be called in for a motorcycle accident reconstruction exercise, a failure analysis investigation, personal injury case, or wrongful death suit. A helmet expert witness may also collaborate on a project with a medical expert. Litigation support by a helmet expert witness could include an expert report, forensic engineering, expert opinion, and expert testimony in trial court. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, an attorney may request a helmet expert with prior expert testimony experience.
Representing either the plaintiff or defendant, Cahn Litigation Services is the service provider of choice to locate expert witnesses that can support a case requiring an expert with specialized knowledge in helmet design and technology. Example cases that Cahn Litigation Services has researched experts for include football helmets, bicycle helmet design, motorcycle helmet technology, and ski helmets. The firm has the experience required to turn an expert witness search around quickly and provide the right balance of expertise and testimony to support each unique project and its nuances.
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Helmet Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Helmet experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Helmet landscape.
Expert Witness #256295
This expert holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and is a certified Professional Engineer. This expert's focus in industry has been in automotive safety restraints and motion research. This expert is an Adjunct Professor in a Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing engineering, and has worked the way up from Consultant to President and Senior Consultant for a company where this expert regularly deals with restraint system design, performance and usage. This expert has supervised and/or conducted testing of airbag systems, seatbelt systems, head/helmet impact, and child restraint systems. This expert is well published, holds two US seatbelt patents, and is a regular presenter at industry and academic conferences.
Start Helmet Expert SearchExpert Witness #124242
This expert holds a Ph.D. and D.Sc. as well as being a Professional Engineer and a Board Certified Forensic Examiner in Safety Engineering and Design. This expert's long and varied experience as a scientist, inventor, and consultant to industry has made this expert an expert, among other things, in retail store and retail display safety. This expert has served as a consultant to major retail chains on retail displays and safety, in risk assessment and human factors, and in risk assessment and human factors. This expert's list of patents is impressive and includes a headgear used in football.
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