Corporate Security Expert Witnesses
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Corporate Security Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Corporate Security experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Corporate Security landscape.
Expert Witness #222611
This expert received a Ph.D. in Computer Science. This expert joined a prestigious University and is Associate Director of its Applied Research Institute where this expert is working with projects related to national security. Specializing in network protocols, telemedicine, electronic commerce, medical data privacy and security, this expert was a National Lecturer, gave keynote addresses at several leading conferences, and is a Fellow of the IEEE. This expert has supervised over 130 funded research projects, advised 68 PhD and master's students, and co-authored two books, 14 book chapters, and 170 refereed journal and conference publications. This expert and colleagues developed a Transport Protocol (supporting multicast and knowledge of the multicast group members) for the US Navy, and then turned it into a commercial product. This expert's current research focuses on medical data privacy and security, implemented by supporting authentication, authorization, and federation across trust domains. This expert is also developing delta compression algorithms for diverse environments. This expert was a Founding Director of an Internet Technology Innovation Center, which provided technical and business strategy for e-business, and developed e-commerce software for corporate and government clients. Other projects include improving security for mobile devices, evaluating relational keyword search techniques, and writing software that can perform a scientometric analysis of scientific literature.
Start Corporate Security Expert SearchExpert Witness #121596
This expert is a nationally recognized expert in the field of telecommunications and information technology. This expert’s expertise encompasses a broad range of technical and managerial disciplines including voice communications, data networking, carrier services for public/private switched & dedicated networks, image processing, wireless and cable transmission systems, security systems including intruder detection, access control and video surveillance as well as operational and strategic planning. As co-founder and President of a highly sought-after consultancy, this expert is responsible for overseeing corporate operations and providing executive level direction on strategically significant projects. This expert has worked for various organizations in a consultative, design/engineering and managerial capacity. This expert has supported numerous clients with respect to technology consulting in the financial services, high technology, legal, corporate, health care and education sectors. This expert’s technical practice encompasses strategic planning and expert witness litigation support. This expert worked in the military aerospace industry developing strategic and tactical command and control systems for various agencies in the defense and intelligence communities. In addition to litigation experience, this expert and firm have performed an extensive patent portfolio review for a large company working with their in-house Intellectual Property group. In that project this expert evaluated 2 portfolios comprising over 120 patents. The team is highly knowledgeable about the Switched Ethernet and Optical networking marketplace.
- Packet Radio
- Packet Switching /Internet Protocol
- Packet Speech / Voice over IP
- Satellite communications
- Telephone switching systems
- Video Surveillance Systems & Video Digitization
- Voice digitization/voice processing
- Voice messaging
- Wireless Communications Systems
- Automated out dialing systems
- Access control systems
- Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) & Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
- Cabling & Wire-based systems
- Cellular telephony
- Intrusion detection systems
- LOS Microwave Systems
- Mission - Critical Infrastructure Design for Data Centers
- Mobility management
Start Corporate Security Expert SearchExpert Witness #257257
This expert is a Senior Forensic Analyst and Software Developer Strata. This expert's BS in computer Information Systems is bolstered by forensics and forensic Examiner certifications.
Start Corporate Security Expert SearchExpert Witness #238156
This expert brings to the table many years of experience and a global reputation for integrity, accuracy, and innovation, and is widely considered one of the world's leading authorities in information protection and risk management. This expert is CEO of an internationally recognized and trusted advisory firm specializing research and advisory services, litigation support, developing high demand graduate education programs, pathfinder studies, and business growth strategies.
This expert has extensive knowledge of issues related to digital forensics and the operation of computers, applications, devices, networks, and related mechanisms. This starts with experience designing, building, managing, operating, examining, and using computers and other devices and the Internet and its predecessor the ARPAnet, starting from when this expert was a computer operator for one of the early nodes in the ARPAnet. This expert has performed a wide variety of different functions associated with the Internet and systems connected thereto continuously, including without limit; specifically writing such software and analysis of such software; (2) examination and analysis of systems, mechanisms, claims, and asserted evidence for legal matters.
This expert has performed research over a period of years and published peer reviewed papers and two books as well as book chapters on issues of digital forensic evidence examination including specific work on examining digital traces for consistency, similarity, and a variety of closely related issues. This expert has testified at deposition and at trial in matters involving digital forensics including systems, mechanisms, and asserted evidence involving the Internet and related environments and systems, and has been qualified as an expert in Federal, State, and Local matters.
This expert earned and received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, an M.S. in Information Science, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.
As a corporate consultant and industry analyst this expert has helped advise hundreds of the world's largest enterprises on security and risk management strategy and their information protection programs. As a consultant to and researcher for the U.S. government this expert was the principal investigator on seminal studies in defensive information operations. This expert has also worked in critical infrastructure protection, with law enforcement, and with the intelligence community to help improve their ability to deal with computer related crime and emerging threats to national security. This expert has worked on issues of digital forensics, including work for many large corporations, testimony in federal and state criminal and civil matters, and pro bono and state-funded work for indigent defendants.
Start Corporate Security Expert SearchExpert Witness #248578
This expert is a Certified Regulatory Compliance Professional and brings many years of securities industry expertise to the table. This expert's career includes serving as Chief Compliance Officer of public and private financial services institutions, managing and directing the AML, compliance, controls and risks of various businesses in the financial services industry and years of sales and management in other retail businesses. This expert held Municipal Principal responsibilities at financial services and supervised options business at financial services institutions as either Senior Registered Option Principal or Compliance Registered Option Principal. This expert served on the FINRA Committee that created the Operations Professional Series 99 and is a frequent panelist and facilitator at industry conferences and regional and national meetings. This expert is well-prepared to serve as an expert witness for financial services institutions from testifying as the company representative for three financial services institutions in 15 arbitrations. To remain prepared for paid board service this expert is trained in SOX requirements.
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