Healthcare Management Expert Witnesses
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Healthcare Management Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Healthcare Management experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Healthcare Management landscape.
Expert Witness #234755
This expert is a consultant in physician pro fee medical coding, billing and compliance. This expert is President & CEO of a firm where this expert performs audits for practices in many specialties, including Urology. This expert has spent an entire career in the medical field, and has consulted for many organizations including the American Medical Association (AMA), and the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
This expert is a seasoned expert witness for Healthcare Attorneys in need of coding, reimbursement or process review, audit, opinion and testimony. This expert has testified in federal court for physicians accused of criminal fraud and has defended physicians in civil cases, which involved writing reports and giving depositions.
This expert is on the Editorial Advisory Boards of multiple specialty newsletters, and is a frequent speaker for many organizations including the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), Medical Group Management Organization (MGMA), AudioEducator,, The Coding Institute, and Ingenix. Current certifications include: Certified Professional Coder (CPC) - AAPC; Certified Professional Coder for Hospital Outpatient Services (COC) - AAPC; Certified Professional Coder for Third Party Payers (CPC-P) - AAPC; Certified Professional Coder Instructor (CPC-I) - AAPC; and Certified Professional Compliance Officer (CPCO) - AAPC. This expert holds a BS in Industrial Engineering and an MBA.
Start Healthcare Management Expert SearchExpert Witness #250310
This expert is a Medicaid Fraud, medical billing, and hospitals best practices expert. This expert is the managing partner of a healthcare compliance and process consultancy which focuses on healthcare regulations, and medical coding and billing. This expert has served as an advisor to healthcare providers on hospital and practice management, and has thorough understanding of treatment plans, and their importance in the admission process. This expert was selected as an expert for a landmark Federal Trade Commission case regarding healthcare data, regulations and economics. This expert has also served as an expert witness for the United States Department of Justice in a federal investigation into medical data, Health IT / E.H.R. stimulus funds and False Claims Act. This expert has also been involved in Medicare and Medicaid fraud matters. This expert has dozens of publications and is a frequent lecturer at industry conferences
Start Healthcare Management Expert SearchExpert Witness #250672
This expert has many years of experience in healthcare and in implementing information systems and technologies for process change and value creation. This expert provides consulting on healthcare software development, healthcare product positioning, Healthcare Transformation and Strategic Planning, and Process/Technology Improvement. Through a highly successful consultancy, this expert has provided consulting for many healthcare organizations. This expert has consulted with many companies, leading to many award winning software, technology and product development projects. This expert was the Executive Vice President of a core administration systems software provider to the Health Plan Market where this expert directed new product development. This expert also has served as Associate Professor of Medical Informatics and Director of eHealth Initiatives at a University's School of Health Systems. This expert was the co-founder and Executive Director for an EMR services company. This expert was Vice President of an international healthcare consulting company; and a founding member and CEO of an eHealth Application Solution Provider (ASP). This expert co- founded and was the Chief Technology Officer of an enterprise managed care solutions provider for healthcare networks. This expert was involved with the Department of Health and Human Services in the formulation of the HIPAA Rules. This expert has been intimately involved with the security, privacy, transaction and code set rules. This expert is a past member of the HL7, ANSI X.12, and ActiveX for Healthcare standards groups.
Start Healthcare Management Expert SearchExpert Witness #250687
This expert is a senior expert in the use of IT. This expert's expertise includes providing expert witness support. This expert has been involved in IT for many years and has owned and directed a healthcare IT consulting firm. This expert has a proven track record of dealing with all aspects healthcare IT including IT operations, IT planning, system selection, system implementation, IT contract negotiation, and project management. This expert holds a Master of Science in Administration, CPA, and CCP (Certified Computer Professional). This expert has developed and taught courses in the Management of Healthcare IT. This expert's course is required for the MBA (specialization of Master's in Health Administration) and is taught for students in the University's Health Science Center. This expert has extensive prior expert witness experience including depositions, trials, mediation and arbitrations.
Start Healthcare Management Expert SearchExpert Witness #262476
This expert is a nationally recognized subject matter expert in healthcare information management, quality management, and compliance. This expert has conducted healthcare fraud and abuse coding compliance defense reviews and clinical documentation audits for healthcare organizations. This expert has worked as a compliance consultant and conducted medically necessity reviews for healthcare organizations and law, having worked on Urology specifically.
This expert is a national speaker, author and adjunct professor on the topics of health information operations, information governance, e-discovery and healthcare compliance. This expert is an active member of the Health Level Seven (HL-7) Working Group, responsible for the review and development of the Records Management and Evidentiary Support (RM-ES) profile for the design and development of the functional profile for electronic health record systems. This expert has also been an active member and contributor in AHIMA task forces and working groups related to information governance and the functional design and profile of electronic health record (EHR) systems. This expert is a member of The Sedona Conference Working Group on Best Practices for Electronic Document Retention and Production, the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), the American Society for Healthcare. This expert holds an MBA, a Master of Jurisprudence degree in Health Law and Policy, and Post Baccalaureate in Clinical Informatics. This expert has provided expert witness services to both plaintiff and defense counsel.
Start Healthcare Management Expert SearchExpert Witness #262528
This expert has extensive experience in auditing, coding, and billing for many practice areas, including urology, oncology, hematology, internal medicine, endocrinology, neurology, hospital medicine, critical care and other practice areas. This expert is a nationally known speaker and educator with credentials from the two most recognized organizations in the field of medical coding training and certification: the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC). In addition to being a Certified Professional Coder, this expert is also a Certified Risk Adjustment Coder, a Certified Coding Specialist, and an approved Coding Trainer for AHIMA. This expert has been published in the national publication AAPC Healthcare Business Monthly Magazine and is a frequent expert contributor to industry publications.
This expert founded a national consulting firm specializing in coding and compliance advisory solutions. This expert has developed and designed instructor-led and web-based training in medical coding, billing, and compliance. This expert has served as an expert witness and has worked on many litigation matters.
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