Hospital Expert Witnesses

Hospital expert witness candidates typically have areas of expertise in hospital administration, medical records, patient safety, emergency medicine, hospital management, and/or as a legal nurse consultant – depending on the specifics of the case. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, an attorney may request a healthcare industry expert with prior expert witness testimony experience.
Litigation support activities could include case reviews, expert reports, depositions, and courtroom testimony. Exemplary matters have included:
- written informed consent,
- Medicare insurance fraud,
- lifecare planning,
- healthcare executives,
- pediatric orthopedic patient care,
- inpatient healthcare management in New York,
- personal injury,
- critical care medical staff standards of care,
- physician credentialing and privileging,
- Florida medical center wrongful death, and
- medical malpractice.
Cahn Litigation Services has the years of experience required to turn a search for healthcare administration and medical expert witnesses around quickly. The firm has an earned reputation with top law firms for providing expert candidates with the precise balance of expertise and testimony experience.
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Hospital Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Hospital experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Hospital landscape.
Expert Witness #249981
This expert maintains a national practice. More than simply a practitioner, this expert is a former Medical Director at numerous Nursing Homes and Convalescent Homes. This expert is currently the Chair of the Professional Practice Committee (standard of care overseer for practicing physicians) at a hospital.
Start Hospital Expert SearchExpert Witness #250246
This expert is a Forensic Psychiatrist. Holding both MD and MBA degrees, this expert has made the transition from practicing clinician to Healthcare Consultant focusing on legal and regulatory requirements and compliance, quality oversight, physician performance and behavioral management. Prior to consulting, this expert served as Medical Director of the Emergency Department at a major hospital, and has significant experience with admissions and in-patient treatment plans in a hospital setting. This expert has deep experience in litigation support, having served as an expert witness in over 40 (various types of) matters. This expert is well-published and frequently gives presentations at academic and professional conferences.
Start Hospital Expert SearchExpert Witness #250289
This expert is a Forensic Psychiatrist and is board certified in the Forensic Psychiatry subspecialty and holds a certificate as a Forensic Evaluator. This expert has significant hospital experience as an Attending Physician and is well acquainted with hospital intake and admissions processes. Besides clinician experience, this has served as Clinical Instructor at a University's College of Medicine, and volunteered services as the Psychiatric Advisor to a Mental Health Court. This expert also served as a Medicaid Screener (Peer Reviewer), to ensure health providers met the strict standards of a State's Medicaid policies. This expert has served as an expert witness in approximately 100 civil and criminal matters as a forensic psychiatrist and has testified at depositions and in trials many times. This expert is well-published and is involved in research and presentation activities.
Start Hospital Expert SearchExpert Witness #250690
This expert has been in the health care IT field for many years and has been actively been involved in EHR implementations. This expert has been involved in over 200 Hospital implementations and has worked with over 26,000 physicians on their EHR decisions and implementations. This expert has also been involved in over 150 replacements of older or discontinued healthcare specific applications, and has been evaluating EHR products and publishing a report with 3,000+ functionality. This expert has extensive experience in health care redesign and organizational restructuring along with a comprehensive background in start-up and replacement of multi-facility health information platforms, including financial, clinical, managed care and decision support systems. This expert tracks industry trends, conducts member surveys, publishes case studies, assesses best practices, and performs benchmarking studies, and evaluates over 70 product categories within healthcare that are offered by more than 500 software, RCM, and Value Based Reimbursement (VBR) vendors that are in the care Coordination and Population Health Marketplace. This expert specializes in the evaluation, selection, and ranking of vendors in the VBR, RCM, HIE, and PMS/EHR hospital and physician healthcare marketplace. Annually this expert publishes a detailed report on VBR, HIE, and PMS/EHR software product functional, usability, and company viability. This evaluation decision tool has been used by more than 25,000 physicians, more than 20 ACOs/IPAs, and over 200 Hospitals. Additionally, this expert has conducted more than 400 PMS/EHR searches, selections, and contract negotiations for small physician offices to large IPA.
This expert provides independent advisory and consultative services designed to assist physicians and hospitals in evaluating and selecting technology to enable the creation of a digital medical office of the future. For Hospital clients, this expert conducts operational reviews, technology selections, and assists in development of long range plans. This expert has extensive prior litigation experience including deposition and courtroom testimony.
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