Cloud Storage Expert Witnesses
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Cloud storage expert witness candidates typically have extensive experience and expertise in computer science, software, cloud computing, networking, or computer security. With a concern by some experts on privacy, cyber security and computer forensics expertise is also in demand. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, a law firm may require a technical expert with prior expert testimony experience. Cloud storage, cloud services, and cloud computing are emerging technology areas with ongoing research and a highly competitive landscape, and cloud-related patent lawsuits are expected to rise. Representative cloud storage matters that have required expert witness services involve legal issues pertaining to:
• cloud storage patent infringement, including Inter partes reviews
• computer forensics, for example, disputes involving digital evidence
• trade secret data stored in the cloud
Litigation support and digital forensic investigations in the cloud computing world have unique challenges, due to the use of remote storage and virtualization technologies. Litigation support by a cloud storage expert witness could include the review of underlying technology by an industry expert, a forensic analysis, expert report preparation, expert opinion, and courtroom testimony. In addition, an attorney may seek a cloud storage industry specialist for pre-litigation expert consultant work. Cahn Litigation Services is frequently called upon by law firms to locate expert witnesses that can support cloud storage matters. Leading law firms rely on us to provide candidates with the right balance of technical expertise and testimony experience.
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Cloud Storage Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Cloud Storage experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Cloud Storage landscape.
Expert Witness #263553
This expert is an internationally recognized Information and Communications Technology (ICT) architect with expertise in designing and deploying enterprise-class solutions in a wide range of technologies and business sectors. This expert's extensive experience spans industry, U.S. Government, and academia environments. This expert is also a practicing security and privacy professional, who has specialized in data protection and storage security, where this expert is recognized as one of the top experts in the world.
This expert is an Associate Member of the American Bar Association (ABA) and been active with the Section of Science and Technology Law (SciTech). In addition to speaking and publishing on behalf of the ABA, this expert has served in several SciTech leadership roles. This expert is also actively involved in the ABA's Internet of Things (IoT) National Institute and the Artificial Intelligence National Institute.
Additionally, this expert has actively contributed to the efforts and projects of key ICT-based standards development organizations and industry associations as part of a focus on advancing the state of various technologies. This expert's passion for technology has been recognized in the form of awards and leadership positions in organization such as ISO/IEC, the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS), the IEEE Computer Society, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), and the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA). This expert is or has served in an editorship role on the following international standards projects: ISO/IEC 22123 (Cloud computing -- Concepts and terminology), ISO/IEC 27031 (ICT readiness for business continuity), ISO/IEC 27050 (Electronic discovery), ISO/IEC 27040 (Storage security), ISO/IEC PAS 16248 (TLS for Storage Systems), Rec. ITU-T 3500 | ISO/IEC 17788 (Cloud computing -- Overview and vocabulary), and IEEE 1619-2018 (XTS-AES).
This expert possesses a unique set of professional credentials that include the (ISC)2 CISSP-ISSAP, ISSMP, and ISSEP certifications as well as the ISACA CISA, IAPP CIPT, and CSA CCSK certifications.
Start Cloud Storage Expert SearchExpert Witness #226781
This expert is the principal of a successful storage consulting firm with extensive experience in all aspects of storage technology, interfaces, backup and restore products and file systems. Among this expert's areas of specialty are flash memory (memory cards, solid state disks, flash drives), optical storage (CD, DVD, WORM, Magneto-Optical), Magnetic Storage (hard disk, floppy disk, tape), RAID/Disk Arrays, cloud storage, PCMCIA and Storage Area Networks (SAN). This expert has participated in over fifty conferences and events as speaker, session chair and conference chair. Drawing on many years of experience in the storage industry and many years of experience as a computer engineer, this expert has been retained as an expert witness and/or expert consultant in nearly one hundred engagements involving patent, trade secret, copyright and patent portfolio reviews. Cases have involved technology in the storage, IC CAD, software and hardware industries. This expert has written expert reports, been deposed and has provided courtroom testimony at trial. Flash memory firmware and drivers were at issue in one case, and flash memory card reader circuitry was at issue in another for which he provided the critical trial testimony.
Start Cloud Storage Expert SearchExpert Witness #263695
This expert is a backup / restore expert of some renown. This expert has been hands-on in the industry. This expert is currently the Chief Technical Evangelist for a cloud backup, disaster recovery and long-term data retention firm providing enterprise solutions across multiple platforms including tape/disk technologies.
This expert started a career in backups as "the backup guy" for a credit card company. This expert managed the backups as they grew from 15 to 250 servers, and from 2 operating systems to 5 operating systems, running Informix, Oracle, Sybase & other applications.
This expert then joined a large consulting company that did well during the .com days. This expert started a company specializing in backup & recovery system design, implementation, and management. This company was ultimately acquired.
This expert worked as an analyst, publishing many blogs, articles, and webinars. This expert has written
three seminal books on the topic. This expert is also an independent consultant and writer and has spoken at over 300 seminars and conferences around the world.
This expert is not a professional testifier but has served as an expert witness in patent infringement and insurance contract matters.
Start Cloud Storage Expert SearchExpert Witness #271430
This expert is an expert in backup/restore technology, network technology, virtualization technology, security and cloud storage. At a well-known software company, this expert spent time on the patent filter committee where this expert analyzed thousands of invention disclosures related to security and storage. This expert has worked on 19 different Inter Partes Reviews, and 11 intellectual property cases. In one case, this expert was the prime consulting expert and wrote all of the initial versions of the technical sections of the final expert report. This expert included screenshots and explanations of the defendant's software system extracted from a system that this expert installed and tested for the purposes of checking on infringement. These screenshots were instrumental in convincing the jury to rule in favor of the plaintiff. This expert is (co) author of 30+ patents, and these patents have been cited in 800 other patents.
Start Cloud Storage Expert SearchExpert Witness #238773
This expert has extensive experience with backup systems and computer storage. Prior to this expert's consulting business, this expert was a Director of Engineering, responsible for a cloud based backup solution that protected (backed-up) more than one million PCs and Macs. This expert supported litigation related to this product offering a patent infringement issue, where this expert provided deposition testimony, and a contract dispute where this expert provided extensive support to the attorneys as well as deposition testimony as a 30 (b) (6) witness. This expert has held numerous positions in the computer and software industry where this expert developed extensive expertise related to computer storage (including snapshot, virtualization, deduplication and other technologies).
This expert has provided depositions and trial testimony on several occasions.
Start Cloud Storage Expert SearchExpert Witness #251048
This expert received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. This expert's research is in the broad area of wireless communications and networking, with particular emphasis on resource management, distributed protocols, and security. This expert has worked extensively on secure verification of location and timing information, including privacy preserving audit mechanisms. This expert's research in this area focused on third-part privacy preserving audits of encrypted control messages (e.g., secure sensing measurements that must be accompanied by time and GPS coordinates) in various contexts, including wireless sensor networks, storage systems (verifiability of stored data in cloud storage), location-based message verification in packet relaying, and others.
This expert has been involved in NSF and DoD funded projects related to cognitive radio networks; shared and dynamic spectrum access; coexistence of heterogeneous wireless systems (e.g., LTE-U/WiFi); wireless security (e.g., obfuscation of transmission signatures, MIMO-based friendly jamming; insider attacks, selective-reactive jamming/dropping, game-theoretic countermeasures); 802.11 WLANs; power control protocols; multi-channel MIMO systems (including virtual/cooperative MIMO); mmWave systems; secure satellite communications; energy management in solar-powered WSNs; full-duplex communications and self-interference suppression; and media streaming over wireless links. This expert worked on packet scheduling and buffer management in switches and routers, QoS provisioning, fault monitoring/detection in optical networks, effective-bandwidth theory, traffic characterization, voice-over-IP, and video-on-demand systems. This expert has published more than 250 journal articles and peer-reviewed conference papers, and is a co-inventor of 5 granted/pending US patents. This expert's grants include 20 competitive NSF awards, 16 of which this expert served as the sole or lead PI. This expert was a keynote speaker at various conferences, including IEEE ICCSP, IEEE CRESS, IEEE CCW, IFIP Wireless Days, and the IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks. This expert was an invited panelist at various international conferences. This expert gave tutorials at premier wireless networking conferences and frequently consults for companies in the telecommunications sector.
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