Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling Expert Witnesses

Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling

Start Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling Expert Search

Atmospheric dispersion models are also known as atmospheric diffusion models, air dispersion models, air quality models, and air pollution dispersion models. An atmospheric dispersion modeling expert witness typically has a background in meteorology, regulatory requirements, mathematics, and/or atmospheric dispersion.

Based on mathematical formulations, atmospheric dispersion modeling is the simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. Air quality models are used to determine compliance with regulatory requirements including the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). As examples, dispersion models are used to estimate air pollutants emitted from industrial plants, traffic emissions and accidental chemical releases.

Dispersion models vary, but all require input of data that may include:

Litigation support by an atmospheric dispersion modeling expert could include analysis, deposition, expert report, and expert witness testimony at a trial. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, a law firm may request a qualified expert with prior expert witness experience. In addition, clients may seek an industry expert for pre-litigation consulting work. An expert witness needs to not only have expertise in the subject, but must also possess the ability to explain evidence to a juror.

Cahn Litigation Services has completed numerous searches for an expert witness in the area of air dispersion modeling, providing candidates for each case to the specifications provided by the attorney in charge. Whether it’s for a patent case or for pre-litigation reverse engineering work, Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn the search around quickly and provide the right balance of expertise and testimony to hone in on the perfect expert for the job at hand.

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Cahn Litigation Services knows Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling expert witnesses that are available for litigation support. Because all of our expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences, attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.