Video Processing Expert Witnesses

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Video processing expert witness candidates typically have advanced degrees, backgrounds and expertise in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science. Experts in video processing may have an affiliation with a technical industry organization such as the IEEE. Experience in forensic science (for example audio forensics, computer forensics or digital forensics), can be important in an associated legal case.
A video processing expert witness could provide expertise in intellectual property matters such as a patent litigation or a trade secret dispute. An expert in video processing technology might also assist law enforcement in the role of a video forensic expert in a visibility study or with an analysis of video evidence.
Litigation support by a video processing expert witness could include a forensic investigation, an expert report, expert opinion, deposition, and courtroom testimony. An expert witness needs to possess the ability to explain technology and forensic evidence to lay people, such as judges and jurors. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, a law firm may request an expert with prior expert witness testimony experience. Clients may also seek a video processing subject matter expert for pre-litigation consultant work.
Cahn Litigation Services has a vast expert network and often receives requests from law firms, representing the plaintiff or defendant, to help locate a video processing expert witness. Cahn Litigation Services has worked on sourcing experts for numerous projects involving video processing matters such as digital signal processing, image processing, and forensic video analysis.
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Video Processing Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Video Processing experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Video Processing landscape.
Expert Witness #216755
This expert is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of s Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering. This expert is well known as the inventor or co-inventor of many technologies related in the the fields of image and video processing, digital television, computational vision, and modeling of biological visual perception. This expert has published over 800 technical articles in these areas and holds several U.S. patents. This expert's publications have been cited more than 50,000 times in literature with an H-index over 80, and this expert is listed as a Highly-Cited Researcher by Thompson Reuters, indicating one of the top 1% of most cited researchers within the field of Engineering. This expert is also the author of two books on Image and Video Processing, and two books on Image Quality. This expert has received an Award for work on the development of prediction models which have become standard tools in broadcast and postproduction houses throughout the television industry. This expert has also received a number of major awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, as well as many other industry organizations and academia. This expert is a registered Professional Engineer and is a frequent consultant to legal, industrial and academic institutions.
Start Video Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #233401
This expert is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and directs the Video and Image Processing Laboratory (VIPER). Specializing in state-of-the-art technologies to digitize, store, process, stream, and display digital images and video, this expert supports research in areas such as the development of new image analysis techniques, new image and video compression methods, the development of new surveillance and detection methods, new media and wireless streaming technologies, and creating multimedia material for use in media indexing, storage, and retrieval.
One of the many technologies this expert is responsible for is the development of a graffiti recognition and analysis tool. The goal of this project is to use the knowledge gained from work in mobile devices and applications and leverage it towards the development of a mobile-based system capable of image analysis.
This expert is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the SPIE, a Fellow of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T), and a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering. This expert received an award for work in image and video compression and multimedia security.
This expert has extensive prior litigation experience including deposition and testimony.
Start Video Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #234887
This expert is a consultant and patent owner with many years of experience in developing and supporting the development and commercial exploitation of new technologies in the areas including audio and video encoding, decoding, recording, storage, transmission, and presentation, consumer electronics, digital television, broadcast, mobile, and fiber telecommunications, and computer and storage networks. This expert is specifically experienced in speech processing technologies and details of recognition and insertion of service signals in video programs.
This expert has supported numerous licensing negotiations and reexaminations/IPRs as well as over 50 patent-related District Court and ITC cases, in consultative preparation of cases, characterization of accused products (by testing, reverse engineering, source code review, etc.), preparation of declarations and reports, and, as needed, testifying.
This expert is a Member of the Audio Engineering Society and an Observer Member of the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC).
Summary of Selected Professional Experience
- Development of techniques for bandwidth reduction encoding and decoding of audio and video content (patent granted on video technique)- Consulted on interactive multimedia systems with automated insretion of text over bvideo- Consulted on adaptive variable rate coding for speech and general audio and on automatic audio content identificationSummary of Selected Related Case Experience
- Patent litigation - issues included recognizing and tagging media content- Patent litigation - issues included audio and video data encoding, decoding and bit-rate reduction in digital television receivers- Issues included audio encoding and decoding, and recognition and insertion of service signals for digital television- Patent litigation - audio encoding and decoding, and content-descriptive metadata generation, extraction, analysis and insertion in digital television
Start Video Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #263706
This expert has intimate knowledge and experience in developing signal flows and protocols starting within the image sensor, through the image processor and to various video outputs, including camera throughput at multiple resolutions for preview and further processing, streaming, etc. This expert has been engaged as an expert on an IPR case, has been deposed multiple times, and has written many expert reports, rebuttals, and claim constructions.
In addition to leading technology development at a software development company and at this expert's start-up company, this expert worked with image signal processing (ISP) engineers at many of the industry's major players; in some cases the interactions were with multiple divisions such as professional camera, consumer camera, and automotive. The various applications this expert supported include professional and consumer video cameras, various digital consumer cameras, security and surveillance, and for automotive. This required management of multiple video streams starting at the image sensor, through color and sparse pixel processing in the sensor and the supporting image signal processor, to implementation of control signals and signal readout per custom and MIPI standards, adjustment of image capture settings, and handling of video and still image content throughout the various image capture systems. This expert is up to date on recent advancements targeted for multi-camera smartphones. This expert has a patent pending which leverages the additional layers within stacked image sensors for in-sensor image signal processing. This expert has authored 150 publications, and holds 41 patents in the general field of imaging sensors.
Start Video Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #263741
This expert has extensive experience in the fields of electrical and computer engineering. This expert's areas of expertise include signal/image/video processing and analysis, communication systems, microprocessor systems, biomedical data analysis, electric circuits, and related software development - and the subject matter of dual streaming video is well within this expert's area of expertise. This expert holds a PhD in electrical engineering.
This expert is a faculty member in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of a Signal and Image Laboratory. This expert's research includes signal-image-video processing and analysis, with particular emphasis on automated image analysis. This expert regularly teaches courses in Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Digital Image Analysis and Circuit Theory.
This expert served as Co-Director of a multi-university research center on communication circuits and systems. In addition to more than 150 publications in the field, this expert has been very active in professional activities as a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Signal Processing Society.
This expert has been involved in the IEEE Southwest Symp. on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI). In addition, this expert served on the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Committee on Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing. This expert was involved in an IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), as well as positions on numerous other professional committees.
This expert has extensive expert witness experience including being deposed and testifying at the ITC, for IPRs and in District Court.
Start Video Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #216762
This expert holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and joined the faculty of a department of electrical engineering, where this expert serves as Professor. This expert also has a concurrent appointment as a Professor of computer science and engineering.
This expert has been designing and building and writing about imaging and video systems for many years. This expert’s first work with real-time video dates back to when this expert worked in a Video Conferencing group and later had research funding from that group. This expert has both built video cameras as part of academic work and has testified about digital cameras.
This expert has consulted for many companies on various types of video issues on their security systems and worked for a company when sued on their collection of DVR patents.
This expert is involved the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology and the Journal of Electronic Imaging, and on advisory committees of several conferences on image and video processing. This expert’s research interests include image and video processing, restoration, compression and enhancement. This expert has published nearly two hundred papers and contributed to seven books in these areas.
This expert has extensive litigation experience has been deposed and/or testified on a number of digital signal and imaging related cases.
Start Video Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #217661
This expert holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science, has developed an image processing language, and spent many years researching computer graphics and digital signal processing. This expert designed and developed a 60-Hz vector quantization video codec ASIC using FPGA rapid product prototyping techniques and FPGA applications considered to be among the world's fastest at the time. With significant experience supporting technology-related litigation as an expert witness, this expert has supported multiple Fortune 100 Companies in examining computer graphics, MPEG2, streaming video, handheld touch-sensitive devices, and other graphics processing technologies. This expert has provided expert reports, depositions and testified nearly a dozen times in Federal District Court and before the International Trade Commission.
Start Video Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #231272
This expert is the Founder and Principal of an internationally renown consulting firm specializing in telecommunications, networking, computing and multimedia technologies including digital video and audio standards. The firm provides business management, product management and engineering management services, market intelligence consulting, licensing expertise and litigation support including expert witness services. The company provides its clients with a wide variety of services so they can keep pace with the breakneck changes in their industries. Areas of expertise include:
• Broadband Communications
• Digital Switching
• Internet Infrastructure
• Network Management
• Networking
• Computer Architecture
• Telecommunications & Wireless Product Marketing
• Wireless Technologies
• Multimedia Technologies including MPEG
• VoIP and Related Technologies
• Virtualization and Thin Client Technologies
Early on, much of this expert’s work involved video processing technologies including MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and MPEG-7. This expert was also responsible for IP based technologies, including applications of SIP and RTP. Some of these technologies which relied on TCP/IP or UDP/IP were spun out to a start-up that pursued commercialization of the SIP and RTP technologies. This expert has been involved in numerous cases involving use of the public and private Internets to transmit data. Some providers used the public Internet while others used different technologies including their own IP networks to deliver content (e.g., audio, video, etc.) or peering agreements with Internet service providers, especially when end-to-end quality-of-service (QoS) had to be managed at certain levels.
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