Mobile Payment Expert Witnesses

Mobile Payment

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Mobile payments expert witness candidates typically have extensive experience in banking, information security, and/or computer science.

A mobile payment is a payment service transacted via a mobile device. There are multiple ways to transact electronic payments, with more secure and convenient methods being developed. Mobile banking can be as straightforward as paying via a browser with a credit/debit card. A mobile payment can be transacted “contactless” or in person. Most contactless card machines use near-field communication (NFC) payments technology, where a mobile phone doesn’t have to physically touch a point of sale to transfer information, but has to be close to the terminal. Another trending mobile payment method is a “mobile wallet” that stores payment information on a mobile device (usually in an app). While many mobile wallets use NFC, other technologies such as “quick response” (QR) codes can be utilized. QR codes work through banking apps associated with credit/debit cards. This method is more secure because your phone actually confirms the owner of the card. Unfortunately, electronic payments hackers continue to find ways around technology security, and there is ongoing development in the area of information security.

Representative matters involving a mobile payment expert that have required expert witness work involve legal issues pertaining to:

Litigation support by a mobile payments expert witness could include a review of the technology, reverse engineering, expert report preparation, expert opinion, depositions, and/or courtroom testimony.

Cahn Litigation Services is frequently called upon by law firm clients to locate expert witnesses that can support mobile payment technology matters. The firm has earned the reputation of providing candidates with just the right balance of testifying experience and technical expertise.

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Mobile Payment Expert Witness - Representative Bios

Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.

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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Mobile Payment experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Mobile Payment landscape.