Microeconomics Expert Witnesses

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Microeconomics Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Microeconomics experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Microeconomics landscape.
Expert Witness #250973
This expert holds a PhD in Economics and brings to the table many years in the areas of microeconomics, regulation of business, and finance. This expert has applied economic expertise extensively in forensic economic cases, including the areas of employment and wrongful termination, personal injury, and wrongful death. This expert has participated in several cases in which this expert and colleagues have valued the compensation of various doctors, and in some cases, the progression of their careers through medical school, the residency program, etc. This expert is familiar with the compensation packages offered to doctors including those packages that provide incentive pay. This expert is also very familiar with the statistical data available regarding compensation for doctors (e.g., the Physicians' Compensation Survey, etc.). Previously, this expert specialized in telecommunications pricing and public policy determination and applied these in rulemaking proceedings and testimony before state and federal governments. This expert has also taught microeconomics to MBA students as an adjunct professor. This expert is a member of the American Economic Association, the Eastern Economic Association and the National Association of Forensic Economics.
Start Microeconomics Expert SearchExpert Witness #251240
This expert holds a PhD in Economics and serves as a Senior Economist for a highly sought-after economics consultancy. As a testifying and consulting expert, this expert applies economic analysis and econometrics to liability and damages estimation for intellectual property, antitrust, and other complex litigation matters. This expert also values intellectual property for joint ventures and other non-litigation contexts. This expert's analyses have covered a wide variety of industries ranging from information technology, health care, asset-based lending, and insurance to products such as pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged goods, high-performance swimwear, vaccines, and power tools. This expert has particular expertise analyzing large relational databases, cross-sections, and panel datasets of commercial transactions, health care claims, and pricing, especially in the large-scale, class action context. This expert has served as a testifying expert about trademark damages, benchmarking the reasonableness of billed charges for health care services, and about the use of cost-benefit analysis in product liability. This expert has been an expert witness with the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) and the Trial Advocacy Group. As a consulting expert, this expert has provided analysis in antitrust and intellectual property cases on issues such as market pricing, competition, market power, common impact, reasonable royalties, and by constructing financial and econometric damages models. Additionally, this expert has valued trade secrets and monitored the viability and competitiveness of business divestitures of merging multinational firms as part of compliance with structural remedies for the multiple government organizations. In addition to consulting, this expert has taught microeconomics at the college level.
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