Linguistics Expert Witnesses
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Linguistics Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Linguistics experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Linguistics landscape.
Expert Witness #245440
This expert is a Professor of Computer Science where this expert is also the Co-Director of the Intelligent Systems Program. This expert's research is in the area of artificial intelligence and includes contributions in the areas of artificial intelligence and education, computational linguistics, spoken language, and user modeling. This expert's work has included both fundamental research and applied research resulting in technology transfer and patents. This expert's most recent research has been in the area of Speech and Natural Language Technology for Educational Applications.
This expert has been working in voice-activated conversational dialogue systems for many years first as part of this expert's dissertation, then at a telecommunication company's Artificial Intelligence Principles Research Department (in call center contexts) and, most recently, at a University (in educational contexts). This expert has authored numerous papers and articles within the realm of dialogue systems and computer intelligence for the leading industry journals and has conducted research in these areas for the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Education and the Office of Naval Research. One paper in particular dealt with the topic of using voice-activated conversational systems to access the internet.
This expert has been engaged as a testifying expert in one case.
Start Linguistics Expert SearchExpert Witness #259569
This expert is a Research Professor in a Computer Science Department. This expert also has an appointment in a Language Technologies Institute and is Director of a Speech Consortium. This expert received a PhD in Cognitive Psychology (speech perception) and has since worked in the areas of automatic speech recognition, spoken language interaction and machine learning. This expert's research has spanned many aspects of spoken language, including knowledge-based recognition systems, language modeling, spoken language system architectures, multimodal interaction, the analysis of conversational structure, and design principles for speech interfaces. This expert's interests center on language-based communication between humans and robots and on aspects of core speech recognition, such as out-of-vocabulary (OOV) word processing. This expert has investigated the rapid prototyping of systems for speech-to-speech translation, spoken dialog, and has made contributions to dialog management, language generation and the computation of confidence metrics for recognition and understanding. This expert is interested in spoken language interaction in groups that include humans and robots. Making this a reality requires developing dialog strategies that can handle multi-participant conversations; it also requires understanding the process of dialog-mediated grounding as well as developing techniques that allow robots understand and clarify human directions. This expert is interested in several aspects of learning, including the induction of concepts and structure from speech and the design of intelligent systems that proactively seek to acquire knowledge from people.
This expert's work includes:
- A project that produced an early mobile speech system- spoken dialog system architectures- A dialog manager that incorporates dialog management ideas that were first introduced in the Office Manager (OM) system and further developed in successor systems.- web-based tools that are used to generate a knowledge base for the open source Sphinx recognition system, including a language model and a pronouncing dictionaryThis expert has had one expert witness experience where this expert wrote an expert report and was deposed.
Start Linguistics Expert SearchExpert Witness #245424
This expert has worked in Language Technologies on the faculty at a prestigious university, where this expert is a Professor and directs the Language Technologies Institute. This expert conducts and leads research on all manners of computer-based language communication and processing including: speech understanding and synthesis, text-based communication, text semantic analysis and content extraction, machine translation, written or spoken dialog systems, parsing technologies and machine learning applied to text. This expert has published over three hundred scholarly articles. This expert has testified as an expert witness in multiple IP cases involving language technologies, including for and against industry leaders both in validity and infringement.
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