Housing Discrimination Expert Witnesses

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Housing Discrimination Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Housing Discrimination experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Housing Discrimination landscape.
Expert Witness #252890
This expert has many years of direct work experience with: standard of care, special education, risk management, school and workplace safety, abuse, discrimination, wrongful death, policies and procedures, and personnel matters. This expert has experience as a legal consultant on school safety matters.
Start Housing Discrimination Expert SearchExpert Witness #258903
This expert is Founder and President of a highly successful national consultancy, certified rehabilitation counselor, Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts and certified life care planner who has provided services for the severely disabled for many years. Additionally, this expert has served as Vocational Expert for plaintiffs and defendants in Wrongful Termination, Sexual Harassment and Age, Sex and Disability Discrimination cases, as well as cases involving the American's with Disabilities Act.
In these cases, this expert has provided a vocational evaluation which consists of a record review, vocational diagnostic interview, work and transferable skills analysis, and when necessary, testing to make a determination of the individual's ability to perform gainful work activity, as well as their earning capacity in the local labor market. In addition, at times a Labor Market Survey is conducted to document the availability of job openings in the geographical area.
The vocational evaluation assists both plaintiff and defense attorneys in determining the effect a wrongful termination has on the earning capability of an individual after the incident. Research regarding job openings and wages for available positions using government and local sources is performed as part of the assessment. This information documents whether the plaintiff has conducted a reasonable job search and if the person has sustained any diminution of earnings capacity. A written report by a certified rehabilitation counselor who is experienced in termination cases can assist in documenting the case damages.
This expert has been performing forensic evaluations in wrongful termination, discrimination and harassment cases for many years, on a nationwide basis.
This expert is credentialed by the American Board of Vocational Experts, the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification and the International Academy of Life Care Planners. This expert has provided rehabilitation services to, and evaluated the vocational and employability potential of, over six thousand individuals.
Start Housing Discrimination Expert SearchExpert Witness #260086
This expert is a licensed clinical psychologist. This expert is fluent in American Sign Language and Signed English but is not deaf. This expert is a Professor of Psychiatry and is an internationally renowned leader in the deafness field. This expert has specific expertise in issues affecting deaf persons in criminal and civil legal situations. This expert has served as an expert witness in nearly 100 criminal and civil cases involving deaf persons including numerous matters involving the Americans with Disabilities Act issues (including reasonable accommodation and discrimination). This expert is well-published (as you would expect of an academic) and is a frequent presenter at academic and medical conferences.
Start Housing Discrimination Expert SearchExpert Witness #266507
This expert is an expert in residential and commercial mortgage underwriting and finance. This expert has underwritten financing for 800+ homes to be marketed to VA loan eligible veterans, and for a bank this expert structured and underwrote $150 million in commercial debt financing for acquisition and development projects. This expert also structured, underwrote and closed $25+ million in conventional, government-insured and jumbo residential loans. This expert has worked as expert witness providing expertise in real investment valuation, loan financing, and market and financial analysis in a Federal housing discrimination lawsuit. This expert holds an MBA and Master in Architecture.
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