Real Time Processing Expert Witnesses
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Real Time Processing Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Real Time Processing experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Real Time Processing landscape.
Expert Witness #226228
This expert holds a Ph D in Electrical Engineering and brings to the table many years of academic and professional experience in speech and audio signal processing, speech and audio signal compression technology, standards for speech and audio compression, and software implementation on real-time platforms and in client/server architectures. This expert is the founder of two (2) related technologies research laboratories and holds more than 20 patents, all dealing with the coding, compression or retrieval of audio digital signals or data. As the Principal of two highly successful media technology consultancies, this expert specializes in changing the way people create, listen, and share audio content on and over the Internet. This expert's technology platforms have provided a virtual studio and venue for musicians, jammers, and fans alike to participate in the music making process, in which unique musical content is shared with others in real-time. This expert is responsible for designing, developing, and testing all aspects of a client/server architecture for real-time audio streaming, recording, mixing and playback. Additionally, this expert has developed and is selling products for subjective audio evaluation and for multi-channel audio mixing. In industry, this expert worked with a Fortune 100 Company's digital music delivery system initiative, where this expert was responsible for transferring the technology to the business of secure sales of music over the Internet. This involved the legal and business aspects of patent licensing and the engineering aspects of bitstream packetization and encryption in a system using compressed rates of 16 kbps for music preview and 96 kbps for music sales. This expert also developed and implemented a client/server music player using audio technology. This used an OpenGL graphical user interface and UNIX socket-based client/server communication and implemented a streaming client/server architecture for audio and image data that communicated via ISDN. In addition, this expert has done patent expert witness work, patent litigation support, patent valuation, engineering consulting, and participated in standardization activities.
Start Real Time Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #259627
This expert earned a Master's Degree in Software Engineering. This expert brings to the table many years of experience in the technology industry, including in the speech recognition industry where this expert's company developed speech technologies. As the founder of a highly successful and internationally recognized consultancy, this expert has pioneered ground-breaking speech recognition concepts that have pushed the limit of speech recognition in the aviation and aerospace industries. Prior to that, this expert had been involved in speech recognition and artificial intelligence at several other startups that this expert founded. This expert also served as Director of Advanced Technology where this expert helped architect and design an Internet Proxy Cache Server technology. This expert also developed the world's first real-time Internet content filtering technology and became the company's international expert on content filtering. This expert also served on the Business Development Team where this expert was responsible for advanced technology licensing.
This expert developed the first commercial computer telephony system to incorporate artificial intelligence, voice recognition, and text-to-speech. The system was used to offer unattended telephone customer support to callers. This technology was used by many high-technology companies. This expert also developed one of the first software development toolkits for computer telephony boards that turned microcomputers into computer telephony systems.
Additionally, this expert served as President and CTO where this expert was instrumental in the design of a next-generation carrier-class managed voice and data services which utilized voice recognition, text-to-speech (TTS), and mobile wireless connectivity. This expert also has in-depth experience in the vision industry and has developed custom vision cameras and embedded software systems that incorporate artificial intelligence resulting in systems that have been used to provide real-time visual feedback in technologically challenging environments.
This expert is a prolific software coder and has a thorough understanding of the review process at a deep code level. This expert is also familiar with the data compression protocols utilized by Siri as well as Siri's evolutionary operations and growth, including the introduction of their new A11 processor and movement to migrate some speech recognition requests onto the device thus eliminating the need to always establish a client/server connection when some grammar rule based commands can be handled offline.
This expert has received a patent for multi-tasking artificial intelligent processing and still utilizes AI experience in pre and post-recognition processing systems designed by the firm today. This expert has been an expert witness in several speech recognition related cases and is very familiar with the deposition process and deposes very well against the toughest of lawyers.
Start Real Time Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #261795
This expert is a Professor Emeritus of Digital Signal Processing. This expert received S.B. (Bachelor's), S.M. (Master's), E.E. (Professional Engineer's), and Sc.D. (Doctorate) degrees, all in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. During graduate work, this expert was supported by a fellowship for research in hearing prostheses, and corporate sponsorship for the development of real- time automatic speech recognition systems. This expert is a member of the Acoustical Society of America, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This expert has been a member of the IEEE Speech Technical Committee. This expert is also founder and director a speech technology company. This expert's current research interests involve digital processing of speech signals. This is concerned with such problems as the application of digital speech technology to sensory aids for the hearing impaired and automatic recognition of speech in adverse conditions. Some of the interesting problems arising from these applications include enhancement of speech in noise, formulation of robust perceptual distance measures, and real-time implementation. This expert also does work in efficient coding of speech signals, auditory modeling for improved speech analysis, speech production modeling, general digital signal processing, and pattern recognition.
- This expert has been working in the field of computer processing of speech for many years and been an active consultant, inventor, entrepreneur, and teacher.- This expert started work on speech-to-text on with a startup.- This expert actively worked on speech-to-text commercially as a consultant, developing automated dictation transcription technology.- This expert founded a speech technology company that provided high-speed automated indexing and searching of voice. One product that was developed automatically aligned closed captioning with audio.- This expert was actively engaged in research focused on speech-to-text.- This expert is a named inventor on ten granted US patents all dealing with speech processing.- This expert has published nearly 200 peer reviewed articles, primarily concerned with speech processing.
Start Real Time Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #215711
This expert has many years of experience in computer science, software development, embedded systems, networking, enterprise software systems and digital audio signal processing. This expert has specific experience with MPEG audio compression and MPEG source code, and has conducted large scale software architecture/Analysis in C++ and other programming languages. Holding a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in digital audio technology, this expert spent years as a Researcher and Lecturer for graduate and undergraduate courses in computer science and digital audio at a prestigious university. As part of DMA thesis work, this expert conducted foundational research in digital audio that led to hardware and software systems to compute digital audio in real time. A former software architect for multinational conglomerate corporation charged with the development of an audio media recording system, this expert is now consulting for high technology companies across the globe on the software and hardware surrounding audio processing systems, including read-time music systems. This expert has sustained a long and successful career at the cutting edge of software development and design using multiprocessor/multi-core architectures for signal processing and control. This expert has experience as an expert witness on numerous cases, has testified before a jury, at Markman claim construction hearings, and has been deposed numerous times on cases involving patent litigation, trademark infringement, copyright litigation and inequitable conduct. Most of the cases have involved digital audio hardware and software technologies.
Start Real Time Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #218703
This expert holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from a prestigious engineering school and is a Fulbright Scholar. This expert specializes in the technologies of signal processing, networking, authentication and streaming media. This expert is currently an independent contractor offering advisory services for information technology organizations, venture capital groups and the legal profession. This expert has additional expertise in computer software design, development and deployment, forensic data acquisition and analysis, Microsoft Visual Studio component and application design, ad displays, content feeds, implementation of real-time and media streaming systems and architecture and design of complex business systems involving database back ends. This expert has built systems involving authentication. Perhaps more significant is the success this expert has had with authentication/encryption with PTAB declarations. Functionality included insurance and financing RFP's, document management and project collaboration. In addition, each web site offered integration of multimedia content for promotion of client projects, including steaming video and audio content. This expert also implemented a secure data access system using native NT operating system authentication services. All documents and files were transmitted via 128-BIT SSL using server-side certificates for server authentication to the client browser. As an expert witness in litigation, this expert has written many reports and has testified over ten times, including several cases involving encryption and authentication.
Start Real Time Processing Expert SearchExpert Witness #232032
A leading consultant to the wireless community, this expert’s streaming work started with work on wavelet codecs for wireless streaming on the 2G devices. Subsequent to that, this expert worked with OEMs, operators, and Internet players on various streaming initiatives. This expert specializes in real-time distributed streaming of content through mobile devices. This expert is well-published, has been credited with significant research, holds two US Patents and has analyzed hundreds of streaming and multimedia patents for valuation and competitive analysis purposes.
This expert has worked with each of the top six mobile data operators. This expert has consulted with major corporations and various wireless technology startups, assisting them with video streaming, image and video codes and general wireless initiatives including 3G and 4G technology. With extensive expertise in streaming media, authentication, wireless devices, mobile apps, video signal processing and much more, this expert served as founder and Director of a wireless practice. In this role, this expert oversaw global client engagements, provided vision and strategic direction, conducted wireless research and development and established partnerships with leading industry players. Prior to that, this expert was a systems engineer and product manager, focusing on mobile communications at a telecommunications company. Considered a leading authority on the mobile data technologies and consumer trends, this expert is an experienced expert witness with extensive litigation experience including deposition and court testimony including matters dealing with wireless and mobile communications.
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