Inventory Control Expert Witnesses
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Inventory Control Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Inventory Control experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Inventory Control landscape.
Expert Witness #218702
This expert has many years of development and operations experience in high technology companies. This expert has made hands-on technical contributions to numerous business software application development efforts. This expert’s knowledge and experience extends over three principal areas: (1) Architecture and design of complex web-server and client-server business software systems, (2) detailed design and coding techniques for business software applications, and (3) software project management and development contracts. This expert’s detailed programming knowledge encompasses Java, C, C++, ASP, Python and Visual Basic languages, as well as assembly language for Intel and 68K microprocessors and real-time DSP applications. This expert has also managed programming teams that created applications for mainframes. This expert’s networking experience includes TCP/IP router development for Ethernet LAN's, fiber optic links, and wide area networks. This expert has managed many client-server and web-based ERP business solutions projects for Financial, Inventory, Order Entry, Shipping, Supply Chain and Manufacturing core modules. This expert has worked on semiconductor manufacturing systems involving yield prediction and supply chain management using statistical forecasting. This expert has direct experience with Oracle 8.05, 8i and 9i as well as SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 for both transactional and data warehouse systems. This expert has also held responsibilities for internal network operation, intranet, and public access web server IT functions in several corporations. In this role this expert gained a detailed understanding of security issues such as SSL, user authentication, network security, firewalls, hacking countermeasures. This expert is also knowledgeable about email servers, backup and restore procedures, and service level agreements for customer-outsourced data in ASP systems.
This expert holds a B.S. degree with 1st Class Honors, an MSEE, and a Ph.D. also in Electrical Engineering. This expert has extensive litigation experience including deposition and courtroom testimony, claim construction for Markman hearings, infringement and validity rebuttal reports in support of plaintiffs, as well as numerous non-infringement and invalidity reports on behalf of defendants.
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