International Trade Expert Witnesses

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What is an international trade expert witness?
International trade expert witnesses have specialized knowledge and extensive experience in international trading matters including supply chain management, supply chain security, export compliance, and import/export cases involving the International Trade Commission (ITC). The chosen expert is sometimes a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP), or a member of an industry organization such as the International Compliance Professionals Association (ICPA) or NASBITE International.
What types of cases require an international trade expert witness?
The types of legal cases requiring an international trade expert include those involving supply chain management, supply chain security, trade secret dispute, patent infringement litigation, valuation, export compliance, lost profits, and import/export cases involving the International Trade Commission (ITC).
What litigation support work might a international trade expert witness be expected to perform?
Litigation support by an international trade expert witness could include international arbitration, an expert report, expert opinion testimony, and expert witness testimony in court (in such a manner that a jury and judge can understand the factual evidence). In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, counsel may request an international trade expert with prior expert testimony experience.
When the need for an international trade expert witness arises, top law firm attorneys call on Cahn Litigation Services, as history has shown that the firm has the experience required to turn an expert witness search around quickly and provide the right balance of expertise and testimony to support each specific project and its nuances.
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International Trade Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those International Trade experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the International Trade landscape.
Expert Witness #250053
This expert holds an MBA in International Business/Finance and a BS in Electronic Engineering. This expert holds patents for FX and credit process management and is a consultant to banks and financial institutions focusing on process and technology. As an expert witness in intellectual property matters, this expert has opined on new technologies, and banking processes in PTO appeals and District Court matters. None of this expert's cases have come to trial, but this expert has successfully provided deposition testimony. This expert has focused on OTC traded products, foreign exchange, automated trading technology and other processes. Before becoming an industry consultant this expert served as COO of a forex broker, and as VP and Director of Business Development with a financial services corporation.
Start International Trade Expert SearchExpert Witness #255935
This expert specializes in the economic analysis of intellectual property, including the assessment of economic alternatives, lost profits, price erosion, reasonable royalties, and other valuation/damages issues. This expert also has extensive experience providing detailed analyses and expert reports, evaluating antitrust issues and economic damages associated with false advertising, antitrust, fraud, termination, and business interference claims. This expert has frequently served as an expert witness on significant patent infringement matters and has testified on patent infringement damages in trial in district courts across the United States. This expert has also provided testimony at hearings at the International Trade Commission, and in trial and arbitrations in other matters throughout America and in Sweden.
As an economic consultant, this expert has worked on projects covering hundreds of companies from numerous high-technology industries, including consumer electronics, information services, semiconductors, computers and components, TVs and displays, software and games, as well as telecommunications (including cell phones and mobile networks), broadcasting, automotive, oilfield equipment, biotechnology and medical equipment. In addition to leading to expert testimony, these efforts include assisting in the evaluation and negotiation of patent license agreements. With extensive, continuous exposure to leading company and industry information sources, this expert has acquired a comprehensive knowledge of the competitive, licensing and financial environments. This expert also has expertise with economic analysis in a number of other industries, including real estate, construction, entertainment, and consumer goods. This expert has also written and lectured on patent damages and intellectual property valuation. This expert holds an MA and BA in Economics .
Start International Trade Expert SearchExpert Witness #255943
This expert specializes in the application of financial and economic analyses to complex business matters involving litigation, technology licensing, and valuation, including the use of econometric methods to apportion value among inputs in complex devices. This expert has performed research, given economic testimony, and provided consultation in intellectual property, licensing, commercial damages, and antitrust matters - including the evaluation of economic damages involving lost profits, reasonable royalties, price erosion, unjust enrichment, profit disgorgement, and prejudgment interest - in patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, and antitrust cases. This expert has also overseen the analysis of fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) commitments and the economics of licensing standard essential patents (SEPs) in arbitration matters, federal district court cases, and at the US International Trade Commission (ITC); assessed intellectual property valuation, monetization, and licensing; and evaluated antitrust liability and damages for patent misuse and monopolization, as well as damages arising from incorrect inventorship.
This expert's experience covers a diverse range of industries, from computer hardware and software, semiconductors and cellular telephony to manufacturing processes, consumer products and pharmaceuticals.
Start International Trade Expert SearchExpert Witness #260795
This expert has a long and distinguished career in Import/Export Regulations and Controls, Customs Brokerage and Customs and Border Protection. This expert is considered to be an expert with the rules, regulations, and requirements from Partner Government Agencies for exporting, importing, or re-importing vehicles into the United States. This expert holds certifications and licenses as a Customs Specialist, Customs Broker, and in US Export Controls Compliance. This expert provides guidance to foreign customs administrations on current US import/export regulations and on the legitimate flow of trade with the United States. As Principal of a trade consulting firm, this expert provides business consulting services on foreign manufacturing sourcing compliance, free trade agreements, duty preferences, internal audits, commodity classification, and US policies and regulations. In addition, this expert has provided services as an expert witness, preparing reports and rebuttals for a case that settled before going to trial.
Start International Trade Expert SearchExpert Witness #123912
This expert is a copyright infringement and trade dress consultant, forensic expert, jewelry appraiser and broker, and has served the jewelry industry for many years. This expert has been under contract with the Federal Trade Commission, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Customs Bureau, U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Trustee's Office, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and The Ontario Attorney General as a forensic expert witness, consultant, mediator, and trustee. This expert's expertise is frequently sought by banks, museums, foundations, insurance companies, the jewelry trade (both wholesale and retail), law firms, accounting firms and individuals, and this expert has been called upon to testify as an expert witness in major court cases throughout the United States, Canada, Singapore and The Bahamas. This expert has been on staff as a research associate with a major Museum of Natural History, earth sciences division, and serves on its Board of Trustees. This expert also has experience teaching classes in gemology, gem sciences and jewelry.
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