Homeland Security Expert Witnesses
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Cahn Litigation Services is frequently called upon by law firm clients to locate expert witnesses that can support homeland security matters. A homeland security expert witness typically has extensive experience and expertise in law enforcement, information security, cyber security, public safety, military duties, and/or emergency management. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, a law firm may request a homeland security subject matter expert with prior testimony experience. In addition to expertise, a homeland security expert witness should feel comfortable explaining evidence to a judge and jury.
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established to secure the nation from threats. DHS’ missions involve anti-terrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster prevention and management. Representative matters that have required homeland security expert witness services include school safety, emergency management and emergency preparedness, workplace violence, cyberattacks, negligent security, hazardous materials, and counterterrorism. DHS has seen its share of lawsuits, including allegations related to the public charge rule, unlawful law enforcement, asylum, and violation of the Information Quality Act, among others.
Litigation support by a homeland security expert witness could include a security assessment, an expert report, expert opinion, and courtroom testimony. Attorney clients may also utilize a homeland security or cybersecurity expert for pre-litigation consulting work.
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Homeland Security Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Homeland Security experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Homeland Security landscape.
Expert Witness #262563
This expert is the Regional manager of a security consultancy, and lead Active Shooter Consultant. While serving in the military, this expert was deployed in support of Humanitarian Aid, and Combat Operations. During tenure with the military, this expert served on several Multi-Agency and Multi-National Joint Task Forces; under which this expert was awarded due to actions in combat.
This expert participated almost daily in human intelligence, screen procedures of hiring partner-nation forces, inside threat planning and analysis, firearms training, tactics training, combative employment of trained partner nation forces. Since coming home from active duty, this expert's activities have included:
- traveling the globe teaching investigative techniques methodologies to law enforcement, government, and foreign (US government backed) entities.- Concealed Carry Firearms Instructor, and NRA firearms instructor (for legalities, proper training, and deescalating measures).- managing a safety and rescue team of approximately 20 personnel (much of the safety and rescue law is applicable in tort just as security regarding employer liability and hiring procedures). This expert understands and communicates proper hiring processes in the private industry, tort law, and employers' responsibilities in not fulfilling their hiring and background screening requirements.- working in a security capacity for government and private industries, so this expert is very familiar with roles and responsibilities of an armed security officer.This expert received a bachelor's degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management with an emphasis on the effects of religious prejudice and domestic terrorism and an active member in the American Standard's for Industrial Security (ASIS International). This expert has also been trained in Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) practices at the US Government's highest levels of proficiency, and is an expert at Risk Mitigation, Weapons Handling, Surveillance, Operational Planning and proficient with Intelligence Analysis. This expert is also working on new, progressive methods to increase safety and survival in an Active Shooter situation; detailing highly simple yet highly effective courses of action derived from experiences with insider threats overseas.
Start Homeland Security Expert SearchExpert Witness #246862
This expert has been designing and programming advanced user interfaces for many years and has worked on a wide variety of user interface projects in the areas of air traffic control, military communications, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile defense systems, Homeland security systems, two way pager systems, mobile portable phones, facial recognition systems, web based ecommerce systems, Android and iOS applications for smartphones and tablets, IPV6 internet routers, gaming systems, multiple medical devices, and mobile big data collection and analysis systems.
With a Masters’ degree and a PhD in Human Factors focusing on Advanced User Interface Design, this expert is an avid software engineer and architect with extensive knowledge in C, C++, C#, Objective-C, and Java. This expert has designed many advanced systems that utilize GPS and other mapping and location-based technologies in the areas of:
Advanced air traffic control
Military tracking of soldiers, equipment and vehicles
Routing of wireless signals for Army vehicles based on location
Routing, planning, and surveillance of unmanned aerial vehicles
Terrorist Tracking application
Personal tracking applications for iOS and Android
Tracking of visitors at a theme park
This expert has designed and developed a GPS enabled Location Based Services application for iOS and Android. Further, this expert has developed advanced geographic information systems for a proprietary research and development project and developed location based Unmanned Air Vehicle routing, control, and tracking algorithms for a proprietary research and development program.
This expert has been retained approximately 85 times, deposed 29 times, testified at trial in both state and federal courts, and presented at a Markman hearing and to the USPTO. This expert has written approximately 70 expert reports and declarations. This expert has worked on a wide variety of patent litigation cases for both plaintiffs and defendants.
This expert has also worked on advanced missile defense systems, two-way pager systems, mobile portable phones, IPV6 internet routers, multiple medical devices, been involved with the design and implementation of portable handheld devices for many years and spent approximately 400 hours reviewing source code as an expert witness for a case. This expert can be very helpful in the areas of infringement/non-infringement and validity/invalidity, claim construction, source code review, writing declarations and expert reports, and expert testimony at deposition and at trial.
Start Homeland Security Expert SearchExpert Witness #252367
This expert possesses a background that integrates the natural sciences, forensic sciences and law enforcement investigations. This expert specializes in forensic examinations of disputed signatures, handwriting and other document problems. This expert can provide on-site examinations and is a court qualified expert in civil, criminal and administrative courts internationally. This expert has earned a Master of Science degree in Forensic Science, received extensive specialized training in Questioned Document Examination from the FBI and Secret Service, and is certified by the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE) and is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Science, International Association for Identification, Association of Forensic Scientists, the Microscopical Society and the American Chemical Society. This expert is a forensic document examiner with many years of experience in a Crime Lab and private practice. This expert has examined thousands of handwriting, signature and questioned document cases, participated in numerous high profile investigations and testified in trials. Now in private practice, this expert specializes in the examination of signatures, handwriting and other disputed document problems and will accept civil, criminal and administrative cases.
Start Homeland Security Expert SearchExpert Witness #265987
This expert has given lectures and is published on the medical effects of less-lethal weapons. As part of a research study, this expert has personally been pepper-sprayed and tear-gassed. This expert also works with local police as a tactical physician. This expert is a practicing emergency physician and Associate Professor, and has served as an EMS Medical Director. In that role, this expert oversees more than 40,000 prehospital providers and the credentialing of trauma centers. This expert has also served on a Department of Homeland Security Counter-Terrorism team.
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