Hearing Aid Expert Witnesses
What is a hearing aid expert witness?
Hearing aid expert witness candidates typically have PhDs or MDs with backgrounds and expertise in audiology, otolaryngology, or hearing science. Experts in hearing aid technology may have an affiliation with an industry organization such as the American Auditory Society (AAS), the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology (ICRA), and/or the American Academy of Audiology.
What types of cases require a hearing aid expert witness?
Litigation support by a hearing aid expert witness can involve intellectual property matters such as patent litigation to determine patent infringement or validity. An experienced audiologist could also provide testimony in matters involving medical malpractice or personal injury.
Whether the case involves cochlear implants, tinnitus, or sensorineural hearing loss, Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn the search for an expert around quickly.
What litigation support work might a hearing aid expert witness be expected to perform?
Expert witness services by a medical expert with specialized knowledge in hearing aids could include hearing aid evaluations, performing hearing tests, research and authoring expert reports, providing expert opinions, and testimony at depositions and in court. The expertise of an audiology expert witness will provide credibility to enable the jury to consider the evidence with the weight it deserves. In a high-profile case, or litigation involving a significant financial stake, the lead attorney may request an audiology expert with prior expert testimony experience.
Cahn Litigation Services has the experience required to turn a search for a hearing aid expert witness around quickly, providing the right balance of expertise and testimony experience. Supporting plaintiff or defendant, the firm has a reputation for providing hearing aid expert witnesses that possess the right balance of expertise and testimony for each unique case.
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Hearing Aid Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Hearing Aid experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Hearing Aid landscape.
Expert Witness #249562
This expert is an internationally recognized expert in the hearing health-care field and is a most deserving recipient of an award from the American Academy of Audiology. This expert is the president of a research, educational publishing, manufacturing, and consulting organization. This expert is also a founding partner/editor of an International blog site for hearing. This expert specializes in hearing and hearing aid related issues. This expert has a master's degree in audiology and doctoral degree in hearing science. This expert has been involved in the hearing aid manufacturing sector in positions ranging from director of education at a hearing aid manufacturer, vice president of marketing at a hearing test equipment company, and corporate vice president at hearing aid retail company. This expert has also managed and supervised university and hospital hearing clinical programs, both diagnostic and hearing aid-related. Additionally, this expert has taught audiology-focused courses at multiple universities.
As a leading spokesperson within the hearing health-care profession, and considered an expert on hearing aids and devices that fit into the ear canal, this expert has lectured and written extensively on hearing-related topics and rehabilitation, within the United States and internationally. This expert has written in excess of 80 articles in professional and trade journals, given more than a thousand invited presentations, authored five books, and contributed chapters to 13 other major texts in audiology and hearing aids. This expert is co-owner and an editor of an organization which is dedicated to hearing health and technology. This expert continues to serve the hearing health-care profession through education, new product development, research, manufacturing, and marketing. This expert's varied background allows this expert to intertwine the manufacturing and business with the science of acoustics to meet the specific needs of the hearing-impaired population. As a result, this expert is involved in programs that have brought many new innovations, applications, and products to use in the hearing industry.
This expert is an active and past member of numerous organizations relating to hearing and hearing aids, including the American Auditory Society; American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; the International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology; the American Academy of Audiology, as well as other organizations. This expert continues to serve as a consultant to commercial businesses and corporations, including hearing aid manufacturing and hearing-related enterprises. This expert also serves as an expert on hearing to a wide range of local, state, medical-legal and national organizations, commissions, and the press. This expert has received numerous recognitions and awards for work in hearing rehabilitation and continues to inspire the profession. This expert has served as an expert witness for litigation, writing reports and being deposed.
Start Hearing Aid Expert SearchExpert Witness #249586
This expert is a Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at a University Medical Center. This expert is also the Director of a Hearing Aid Research Laboratory. This expert's current research interests are focused on improving the overall listening experience of individuals with hearing loss. This expert has published more than 100 scholarly articles and book chapters. To date this expert has presented over 300 scholarly papers/poster presentations, short courses, mini-seminars, and workshops to professional and scholarly conferences both nationally and internationally. This expert has served on many industry standards committees including the Hearing Aid Fitting Standards Committee, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Electronics Commission (IEC). This expert continues to pursue a federally and industry funded research program studying with a focus on the interaction between amplification technology, listening environment and individual differences as they impact benefit derived from hearing aids and cochlear implants. This work also examines how signal processing and sound delivery can be enhanced and/or modified to limit important distortions. This expert was named a Fellow of the American Speech Language and Hearing Association and received an Editor's Award from the American Journal of Audiology.
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