Energy Efficiency Expert Witnesses
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Energy Efficiency Expert Witness - Representative Bios
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The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Energy Efficiency experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Energy Efficiency landscape.
Expert Witness #247093
This expert firm is comprised of senior consultants in an international energy strategy consultancy with offices throughout the world. The firm specializes in sustainable energy and transport, with expertise in renewable energies, energy storage, energy efficiency and sustainable transport. They developed an extended competence center on hydrogen and fuel cells. They are a multinational team of engineers, economists and policy experts in sustainable energy. This firm advises automotive OEMs, Tier-1 and Tier-2 suppliers and leading players in the automotive market. Their decade-long experience in the automotive industry allows them to support clients in designing global innovation and technology development strategies and assessing new market opportunities linked to technology innovation. They also assist customers in defining, designing and implementing innovative go-to-market strategies. They offer high value support on scientific and technology developments, industrial and commercial partnering strategies, technology and market trends' analysis, diversification strategies and investment / acquisition opportunities to actors in the automotive sector. Additionally, they support technology companies, start-up companies and established equipment manufacturers active in the energy and mobility sectors through collaborative innovation projects, design of innovative business models, market assessments and go-to-market strategies in both developed and developing economies. Further, they support leading international oil & gas companies, energy utilities and network operators (TSOs, DSOs) both in developed and emerging countries in all aspects of the energy transition, from strategy to implementation: coordination of collaborative innovation projects, new technology assessment, development of innovative business models, identification and evaluation of new market opportunities, etc.
Start Energy Efficiency Expert SearchExpert Witness #258974
This expert is a full professor in a Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering. This expert is a licensed engineer and has been actively involved in the design and evaluation of advanced power producing systems for many years. This expert is the director of an Automotive Research Center and the head of a graduate Automotive Engineering program.
This expert has been involved in advanced throttle control fuel injection/combustion systems and was funded by NASA in advanced gas turbine engine fuel injection and combustion systems. Since that time, this expert has also been involved in optimizing fuel, throttle and fuel injection and combustion systems for transportation automotive and trucking applications along with racing applications. This expert has hands on experience in dyno testing of complex throttle and fuel injection systems along with track testing and advanced computational modeling on supercomputing clusters.
This expert has chaired technical sessions for the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in exhaust and particulate emissions systems, direct injection spark and compression ignition engines, fuel injection and sprays, HCCI combustion, hybrid electric vehicle powertrains, high efficiency engine concepts, multidimensional engine modeling, on-board diagnostics, fuels and fuel additives, cold start characteristics, engine boosting systems, dual fuel combustion, spark assisted compression ignition combustion and heady duty lubricants.
Areas of interest are jet and rocket propulsion systems, advanced low pollutant emission, high efficiency combustions systems for advanced aircraft and automotive applications, alternative fuels and renewable energy systems.
This expert has been deposed and testified in court over 60 times as an expert witness involving the design and analysis of advanced Mechanical Engineering systems. Further, this expert has been involved with numerous cases an expert related to intellectual property and patent litigation, including cases with related to engine control and throttle systems.
Start Energy Efficiency Expert SearchExpert Witness #262502
This expert is a Chief Engineer at a National Laboratory as well as a Professor. This expert’s expertise is in illumination engineering and applied lighting. As a result, this expert is highly familiar with LED lighting systems and installations for a wide range of end-uses. Additionally, this expert holds an Affiliate Professor appointment where research focuses on Lighting, illuminating engineering, light sources, color, daylighting, sustainability, building energy use, energy efficiency.
This expert has authored or coauthored more than 125 publications about light and lighting. This expert has won multiple awards, and is a Fellow of IES. This expert is also involved the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD). This expert was an editor for a lighting handbook.
This expert is co-founder of an early-stage company formed to commercialize a light source technology that enhances colors at low light levels. The company is developing lighting solutions that create energy-efficient light at all levels of dimming, from full output to very low light levels.
This expert’s prior litigation experience includes a patent case on solid-state lighting products, street lighting systems, and as well as FTC and ICC LED Lighting products.
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