Cahn Litigation Services

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Expert Background:

Cahn Litigation Services provides access to expert witnesses across niche topics & technologies, leveraging precise search tools, relationships in industry & academia, and a highly comprehensive network of over 100,000 experts. Each expert witness search is customized to the litigator's precise requirements.

Posts by Cahn Litigation:

Expert Witness Searching Across Established Industries: Rotogravure Engraving, a Mid-19th Century Technology

Expert Witness Searching Across Established Industries: Rotogravure Engraving, a Mid-19th Century Technology October 19, 2020

Finding expert witnesses in well-settled areas of science or industry oftentimes necessitates searching across non-conventional resources. Within the context of a rotogravure engraving lawsuit, Cahn Litigation Services provides an overview of these challenges and relates how their custom expert witness search approach provides law firm clients with access to resources beyond the expert witness database.

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How to Interview Expert Witness Candidates

How to Interview Expert Witness Candidates August 12, 2020

Attorneys interviewing expert witness candidates often miss opportunities to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the expert witness candidate and the case itself. Drawing from thousands of such expert witness interviews, Cahn Litigation provides best practices to help attorneys optimize their interview process.

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Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Birth Defects: An Explanation of Pharmacological Plausibility

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Birth Defects: An Explanation of Pharmacological Plausibility September 26, 2016

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) have been causally linked to a wide variety of birth defects, including behavioral and cognitive defects, and even Autism using the FDA’s AERS database. Neuropharmacology drug expert and drug safety expert Dr. David Gortler provides an overview of the associated pharmacological effects and advises that women should stop taking SSRIs well in advance of a potential pregnancy to prevent the risk of autism and physical deformations.

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