Vision And Perception Expert Witnesses

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Vision And Perception Expert Witness - Representative Bios
Please Note: All Cahn Litigation expert witness searches are customized to attorneys' precise specifications and preferences. Attorneys are encouraged to discuss search parameters with a Cahn search specialist.
The below expert witness bios represent a small fraction of those Vision And Perception experts known by Cahn Litigation Services. These bios are provided to give lawyers a sense of the Vision And Perception landscape.
Expert Witness #214160
This expert holds a master's degree and Ph.D. in experimental psychology as well as many years of experience in basic and applied research in psychophysics, cognitive science, perception, attention, reaction time, memory, human factors, aging, driver behavior, and related areas. This expert has testified in courts in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Singapore on matters involving issues such as human vision, warnings, product defects, visual evidence, and trips and falls. This expert's master's research was in learning and reaction time and this expert's Ph.D. dissertation was in human vision. This expert subsequently had postdoctoral fellowships in psychology and in physiological optics. This expert has also been a faculty member or research associate in psychology at several universities.
This expert's research experience includes many grant/contract awards, presentations and publications; grants from the National Eye Institute, National Science Foundation, National Science & Engineering Research Committee; over 70 presentations at scientific meetings and at safety conferences in the US, Canada and Europe; 100 publications in the areas of vision, visual search, electrophysiology, perception reaction time, human cognition, artificial intelligence and driver behavior. This expert is the principal author of a book which analyzes visual, cognitive and response factors in driver behavior based on data from basic science, human factors, and the driver research literature.
This expert has extensive prior litigation experience having served as both a testifying expert as well as a consulting expert, explaining complex scientific concepts in simple, layman's terms to non-experts. This expert can perform tests of visibility/perception under field conditions and analyze accidents to determine probable cause such as human factors, controls, warnings, visual design, Human Error Vs. Design Error and potential safety hazard.
Start Vision And Perception Expert SearchExpert Witness #216755
This expert is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of s Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering. This expert is well known as the inventor or co-inventor of many technologies related in the the fields of image and video processing, digital television, computational vision, and modeling of biological visual perception. This expert has published over 800 technical articles in these areas and holds several U.S. patents. This expert's publications have been cited more than 50,000 times in literature with an H-index over 80, and this expert is listed as a Highly-Cited Researcher by Thompson Reuters, indicating one of the top 1% of most cited researchers within the field of Engineering. This expert is also the author of two books on Image and Video Processing, and two books on Image Quality. This expert has received an Award for work on the development of prediction models which have become standard tools in broadcast and postproduction houses throughout the television industry. This expert has also received a number of major awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, as well as many other industry organizations and academia. This expert is a registered Professional Engineer and is a frequent consultant to legal, industrial and academic institutions.
Start Vision And Perception Expert SearchExpert Witness #249011
This expert is a Senior Consultant for a highly successful engineering systems consultancy. This expert's sweet-spot is in Human Factors and Engineering Psychology, experimental design, risk assessment, and the analysis of human error within complex and hazardous operational environments. This expertise includes human visual-perceptual processes, industrial applications including conspicuity, warnings, procedures and instructions, usability, driver distraction, night time vision, and crash avoidance.
Areas of Specialization include:
- Human Error Analyses- Risk Assessment- Advanced Statistical and Experimental Design Analyses- Human Factors Analyses- Industrial and Process Safety Accident Investigation- Night and Daytime visibility and conspicuity-human perception- Automotive Accidents-driver behaviorThis expert has extensive prior litigation experience and testifies an average of 4-5 times each year.
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